Angel Haze

Songtext Realest Angel Haze


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Ah. H. Swag.
Triller than the trillest
Fuck that bitch the realest
Middle fingers up,
It's like motherfuck your feelings
I said triller than the trillest
Fuck that bitch the real ish

Ok I'm nr.1 tell who tack it
I'm back up on my shi-shi-shit
Suicidal flow got them bitches like
Back off my wrist wrist wrist
My team is too exclusive
Your team is full of actors
Bitch I'm a fucking movement
Yep I'm practically the casher
We might be out in Vegas
Next week we in Tabago
I swear we fucking hungry bitch ,
We eating off your table
Got a million dollar plan
And the skit's so plain
Money on my mind and the shit gon' rain
Whole bunch of bitches tryin ' to do it like I can
But you do it like I can but the shit's so lame
Your shit so lame to get like me
You gotta twist your brain
Bitch twist your sane,
If your shit's hash, my shit's cocaine
My shit cocaine, don't pay no mind, my shit no brain
My shit so edgie,shit so classic,
I'm orthodox, my shit so vain
Y'all niggers don't understand,
Must be one of my ass like underpants
And I'm over y'all ass like smothering
And I'm smothering and I'm covering
I'm covering my tracks,
Telling bitches that I watch their back
Tell 'em hoes I'm about my money
Tell 'em bitches better have my stacks uh

Triller than the trillest
Fuck that bitch the realest
Middle fingers up,
It's like motherfuck your feelings
I said motherfuck your feelings
I'm realer than the realest
Middle fingers up bitches
Motherfuck your feelings

Like off in the world I was made to shine
And I'm about to blow up like grenades inside me
Y'all low motherfuckers that the way you talk
And everything I spit,hot like Satans alive
The greatness, they less I'm awesome peak
And I don't wanna wait bitch, Dawson's Creek
Thinking I put us together, we are not conjuctions
Think you looking like a male bitch,high consumption
Way too many screws lose connected like bluetooth
Writing on a pad bitch connected like blues clues
Too real, and yeah I'm nasty like school fool
Greatest and the latest looking at me like who's who
Damn they looking at me like, who's who?
Bitch, I'm looking at you like , who you?
I know I'm the best digging anybody's grave
I ain't next to nobody, I'm the first Angel Haze nigga

(Hook x2)
Triller than the trillest
Fuck that bitch the realest
Middle fingers up,
'Cause it's motherfuck your feelings
I said motherfuck your feelings
I'm realer than the realest
Middle fingers up bitches
Motherfuck your feelings

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