Angel Haze

Songtext Shit i don't like Angel Haze


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Shit i don't like

Look, fuck all these bitch ass niggas and these bitch ass bitches,
Don't fuck with these trick ass niggas.
Always wanna talk about your whips and a bitch
And how he quick to click, clack, hit that trigger
None of y'all niggas fit in that picture,
Only shit you smoke is in that swisher
Talk about your scene where you been for the sales and the green
And I mean all that shit that figures
Always seem to wonder how it gets that way,
How living a lie becomes the shit that pays.
How the wonder of the color for a stupid motherfucker
And it never really enough until it gets that grey.
Black is perilous, it's just that shade.
Hold up nigga, drop my beat
How the fuck you live in a world
Where ever since birth you were meant to not succeed?
Idolizing niggas that will die behind a nigga
That was lied to a nigga that will not succeed
Idolizing bitches that will rely to other bitches
That pretend about their shit, but did not succeed
I'm simply an informant the cycle of the garn
That was introduced by some niggas that you should not believe
Basically, all the niggas you look up to looked up to a nigga that did not succeed
Anyway, I'm ham on these motherfuckers
Stomping on their face, toejam on these motherfuckers
Get me mad enough, I'll cloak and dagger up.
Say church, amen, lay hands on these motherfuckers
All I do is talk that real shit, no really, I'm 'bout that real shit
Walk up in the spot, bitches fiend for my presence
Cause they've never felt the essence of a real bitch
Whoop, whoop, real bitch. Whoop, whoop, real shit
I'm out here on that trill shit, flow wetter than some seal lips
I'm in this bitch like all day, fuck these bitches like always
Ain't one bitch out that can step to the kid
I'll kill them and have them drawn like palm frames
Shook ones, I know that you shook son
I see you eating at your card like a book worm
Jealous ones fucking envy, good and fucking plenty
A hating ass bitch is some shit I don't like and I ain't got that in me
In me, I ain't got that in me
I don't need no friends, ho. I'm not fucking friendly
I don't fuck around ho, I get ratchet quickly.
Bitches, not out here fucking with me
Weak ass bitches that's out in the world and I don't like that plenty
Funny. I don't like you anyway
You fucking suck, I'll murder you like any day
Bitch, fuck off.

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