
Songtext What you talkin Epmd


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Der musikalische text WHAT YOU TALKIN von EPMD ist auch in dem Album vorhanden We mean business (2008)

We mean business


What you talkin

We Mobb'n, Hit Squad'n
We got dough but it ain't from robbin'
We rock microphones it's out job and
Def Squad motherfucker and my name is

Nigga what you talkin'
Nigga what you talkin'
Nigga what you talkin'
Tell 'em to lift it up (no doubt E)

Yo this here is big boy shit (yeah) for the over 200 pounder club
Co-cappy dub (whoahhhoahhh)
I came back to rep my city
Nigga, I took the key from Diddy
Def Squad's the committee, I rock for the gritty
I'm milk like a new mom titty - y'all wit me?
E Serm' the Green Eyed one, call me M-Ro
I got stripes on my arm, call me general
I'm nice (I'm nice) I'll pull rank like {?}
leaves of rice with this mic device
Easy! Who got the issue I'll straight diss you
And hit you with the dadgum missile - hear it whistle?
Comin' for ya the Oscar De La Hoya, the Golden BoyYeah - I'm that dude, don't believe I'll show ya boy
Ask Destiny's Child, I'm that "Soldier Boy"
Chill like the New York winter, no one colder boy

We Mobb'n, Hit Squad'n
We got dough but it ain't from robbin
We rock microphones it's out job and
Infamous motherfucker and his name is

Nigga what you talkin'
What you talkin'
What you talkin'
What you talkin'

The stomach stay hungry so the hammer keep lickin'
I'm lookin at the clock see time is still tickin'
My beef, open the stove, see mine is done
When they keep playin' with me, you minus one
One less nigga on that street my patience
run short so ready to make you ancient
Your last destination'll be marked a headstone
Ain't worth it like tryin' to get a fed case thrown
Closed casket, and ain't that what, who want what?
I mastered, playin' the cut, 'til I'm forced
out my shell, pull that gat, you spill guts
'Splain it yourself, of how you ain't sayin' the stuff
Time's up, you about to get touched homeboy
I ain't gon' sit here and argue wit'cha face homeboy
But next time you better watch what you say homeboy
But ain't gon' be a next time say bye homeboy

We Mobb'n, Hit Squad'n
We got dough but it ain't from robbin
We rock microphones it's out job and
Hit Squad motherfucker and my name is

Nigga what you talkin'
Nigga what you talkin'
Nigga what you talkin'
Uh-huh, what you talkin'

I be killin' it when I'm feelin' it
Straight drillin' it when I'm peelin' it
Comin' through in the Tahoe truck fo'-wheelin' it
Rollin through thick, pumpin' knockin' blastin' my shit
Checkin' out chicks
Pointin' sayin' "That's P the shit"
Freshly dipped, Nike Air Force One is the kick
I'm Parrish Smith, you dudes don't wanna fuck with this
You got nothin', since "Strictly Biz" I keep it pumpin'
At every function, yo E and P, never lunchin'
Never slip, microphone wreck is the biz
(That's Erick Sermon) and me Parrish Smith
Probably blowin' your whole life to shit
That's how trifle it get, your fly-ass wife'll quit
And like AJ Benz on Hollywood Scandal, life's a bitch
We got the hypest spit, straight up cause we nicer kid
Look what the mic done did, EPMD know, lost they wig
From day one, never been a dud with the flow gun

We Mobb'n, Hit Squad'n
We got dough but it ain't from robbin'
We rock microphones it's out job and
Squadron motherfucker and the name is

Nigga what you talkin'
Nigga what you talkin'
Nigga what you talkin'
What you talkin'

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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