
Songtext Putting work in Epmd


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Der musikalische text PUTTING WORK IN von EPMD ist auch in dem Album vorhanden We mean business (2008)

We mean business


Putting work in

Back-up from the Bronx, Uh
Psycho Iko
This ain't nothing but drama

"Psycho, Killer, Norman Bates"

Who's one of the dopest MC's rockin mics for years (You)
Ask any cat in the streets and he'll point right here
Shine everywhere I go without droppin shit for years
Niggaz know this nigga,
Come with the broken language like Smoothe da Hustler and Trigga
My bombs are bigger, cant touch a harmless figure
Cause is stay razor sharp like my name was RZA
PMD built a dynasty like Jigga

Yeah, P my nigga, time to cock back pull the trigger
he a bigger nigga with figures but I'm a bigger nigga
Duh, I'm a snub nose, I'm way above those
I got beef and I sit 'til the club closedlights come on, I'm bombin
Viet-Nam-em, Napalm-em, AK I calm them
Mom like "Who harmed them?"

I don't know, but they put em in the news and Saddam'd 'em
And nobody warned 'em

This is what it sounds like when you puttin' work in
Like Norman Bates pullin' back the shower curtains (Uhu)
Or like in _Headbanger_ black birds chirpin'
This is what it sounds like when you puttin' work in

Mausberg heavy (Check, puttin' work in)
Tec-9's steady (Check, puttin' work in)
Shotgun heavy (Check, puttin' work in)
Machine gun's ready (Check, puttin' work in)

We from the era of the red white and green sweater
Cream getter, gleam better
You know what? the team is clever
Fuck niggas up get drunk pull out a bigger pump
Sell crack, all day rep, rock the meanest leather
Flip you all day chump, mad make you pay
No doubt, gun in his mouth, he leanin on Broadway
HipHop gangsters for real, check the archives
Four Fives, knives, catch you in the sunrise
Powerful impact, boom, from the canon
This is not slain to take mine, take this ammo with it
Big boys, pretty boys, shottin' pretty toys
Pull out the new joints and lower the noise
The records that we make straight classics
Built for Benzes, Astons, high powered assassins
Put that major work in, holler, blash the collar
Erick, Parrish, mash them dollars up

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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