
Songtext Blow Epmd


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Der musikalische text BLOW von EPMD ist auch in dem Album vorhanden We mean business (2008)

We mean business



I'm back E. Serm, no pressure
Ricochet off niggas, call me Odessa
Huh, shotgun no tec on the dresser
Whoever claims to be fresh, me and P is fresher
EPMD like WWE, tag team macks in the field of rap

So one Mississippi
Def Squad is with me
Hit Squad is with me
Yo PMD hit me

Yeah from Brentwood my stompin' grounds
Lick off a round
My nine can't do it, my fifty blow shit down
I know shit now
Blind eye can grind no more
This ain't no pop shit, EPMD strictly hardcore
Been there, done did it and 'bout to do it again
Stompin' through it with the heavenly grin
With seven number one albums and four different artists in the top ten
Cause this here is never gonna end

Yeah one Mississippi (and) two Mississippi(and) three Mississippi (and) cock back let it (blow)
P we got that blunted (no)
Don't get too close cause you might get shot
One Mississippi (and) two Mississippi
(and) three Mississippi (and) cock back let it (blow)
E you got that? Let it (go)
EPMD is a world premier

Yo P, I don't need my shirt off to flex muscle
Dub I kick shit, this is Kung-Fu hustle
And not on the block, this is more like the studio
With stretch and duck, so you niggaz stop
You little bitch, you're a queen with drama
Don't let me get mad and Barack O-bomb-ya

So one Mississippi
Def Squad is with me
Hit Squad is with me
Yo PMD hit me

Yeah we shut it down with the monthly ?
Now we back in effect right around the corner
(What up homey?) Sleep if you want to
(Tell 'em P) You'll be a dead man walkin'
And your next stop, a deputy and a coroner (CSI)
Check the hood and don't be dramatic
The automatic prostatic
When dude got hit he looked acrobatic
So I'ma call him Dominique Doors
And this is what happens when niggas try to floss

Yeah one Mississippi (and) two Mississippi
(and) three Mississippi (and) cock back let it (blow)
P we got that blunted (no)
Don't get too close cause you might get shot
One Mississippi (and) two Mississippi
(and) three Mississippi (and) cock back let it (blow)
E you got that? Let it (go)
EPMD is a world premier

Ayo, I'm the greatest, I'm like Muhammad Ali
Islamic, not me, get robbed quickly
I'm a triple OG Snoop Dogg said
I got two number twos boastin' pomplet
Not the pencil boy, roam the tensil
Number two of the six shotter, or copper
And I call the penny
Def Squad is with me
Hit Squad is with me
Yo PMD hit me

Ayo I ain't no slacker, plus I ain't heared no bell
I ain't never catched a gun charge but I seen a cell
Thats why I slain and stay strapped
come through with a gang of rap
Master the self conscience from Prozack
That's what the Amy said
That's why we mangle rap
From each and every angle black
Two straining cats
Who leaving MCs craving cracks
So let the story be told
and the saga unfold

Erick and Parrish making dollars to sell piece gold

Yeah one Mississippi (and) two Mississippi
(and) three Mississippi (and) cock back let it (blow)
P we got that blunted (no)
Don't get too close cause you might get shot
One Mississippi (and) two Mississippi
(and) three Mississippi (and) cock back let it (blow)
E you got that? Let it (go)
EPMD is a world premier

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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