
Songtext Listen up Epmd


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Der musikalische text LISTEN UP von EPMD ist auch in dem Album vorhanden We mean business (2008)

We mean business


Listen up

(Feat. Tedd Riley)


EPMD,TR,Harlem,Long Island
This is something that all you need to hear

Ayo,some people say that I'm magnificent
not cause I'm the best, because I'm different
I'm not you, one hit wonder
this is true, your career is through
Mines is thrivin
I'm still fresh as the cars I'm drivin'
I'm on bay risin' high
I'm top villain
I get the money and I don't care
handle my heart, I swear, yeah
I'm in my element
I hold weight, something like an elephant
dub, the most creative, New York native
if Jesus died then who gone save us? You?Label heads want me to Jim Carry the rhyme
on a down and get airtime
I can't talk ignant,no
I got some intelligent folks thats diggin this
so thats how I'm givin this

Listen up, listen up
This is something that all you need to hear
Listen up, listen up
We gonna jump this off all night, do the thing all year
Listen up, listen up, listem up
We made it easy to dance to this
Listen up, listen up
come on everybody sing it, dun dun dun

Shh, quiet, look who done stepped in the place
It's the bandit, mic doc, time pick up the pace
EPMD back in sake, we see the look in their face
me and their haters the mans, the players and the fans
already told the non belivers that the lord have a plan
Look at here and the way spit, the flow is sick
better thighten up your click, see what they doin, evict
Leave the backdoor open, thats the end of you shift
thats why we in, we hustelin, strong arm muscelin
bustin like we lookin for weapons of mass destruction in hoodies on, dressed in black
fatigue camouflage, and power like we just came from Iraq
We learned not to look back, we turn the stone in crak
it's the return of the boom bap
Yeah hip-hop is back, peep the track
It's P and the green eye, some Long Island guys
are You all surprised?

Listen up, listen up
This is something that all you need to hear
Listen up, listen up
We gonna jump this off all night, do the thing all year
Listen up, listen up, listem up
We made it easy to dance to this
Listen up, listen up
come on everybody sing it, dun dun dun

Ayo, even though I never hear DJ sayin it
Yeah EPMD is washed up and we ain't playin it
Yeah, like I care, you ain't stoppin nothing over here
I got four seats up in the Lear Jets
Bet I'm ok, you hate your
no payment, all ass payed for
not the one to brag, but for you i dodged
cause you don't respect, thats what I expect from you

Listen up, listen up
This is something that all you need to hear
Listen up, listen up
We gonna jump this off all night, do the thing all year
Listen up, listen up, listem up
We made it easy to dance to this
Listen up, listen up
come on everybody sing it, dun dun dun

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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