Joe Budden

Songtext Walk with me Joe Budden


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Walk with me

Come and take a walk with me...
I need all of y'all to come and take a walk with me...
I need for all of y'all to feel what I'm going through
And see what I see, if you got time to take a walk with me
Wait a minute now...
Shit ain't like I thought it would be
Come to Jersey from New York with me
I know you busy...
But take the time out to walk with me
Pay attention on this tour with me
Maybe I'm seeing something wrong
Come along and make sure with me
Come and take a short walk with me

[Joe Budden - Verse 1]
Yo... I'm seeing a couple things wrong with the way that I'm living
So come and walk with me I just need a second opinion
Introduce you to my friends I got to see if you notice
If they loyal or if they all got an ulterior motive
See some snake niggaz, me and them don't deal anymore
Ever since I got signed I don't know whats real anymore
I'm paranoid so excuse me if I seem to be nervous
But everybody from my past now they trying to resurface
Trying to rekindle, They don't think I know they gone limo
I got cousins I never knew they trying to pass me a demo
Maybe I'm wrong, like I told you main I need your opinion
Me and him never spoke before so I don't see whats so different
Dudes I don't know they recognize me start extending they hand
And I'm tripping ready for beef when he was only a fan (why?)
Cause these niggaz in my hood say they don't like how I'm reppin'
Let me know how strongly you feel, will I be needing my weapon
As some sort of protection, should I carry a pen and pad
And ask everybody in the fucking hood for they suggestion
I'm letting the labels know that Jersey City is gifted (dog)
When they didn't know that Jersey City existed, but it's cool dog
Certain cats in Jersey City so hateful (Hateful)
And certain cats in Jersey City ain't grateful (Ain't grateful)
All they say is I don't chill anymore
Ever since I got signed they don't think I'm real anymore
I'm told I shouldn't be alone cause I'm a star in my hood
Something might happen now, they know who you are in the hood, they do
So I can't tell you how I feel anymore
Ever since I got signed I can't tell what's real anymore, you feelin' me dog


[Joe Budden - Verse 2]
See to me it's heavy, but to you it may seem petty
Let's continue walking, I know you ain't tired already
I take you to meet my girl I got to see if you notice
If she love me or if the bitch got an alterial motive
Why am I hated cause I handle my business
Ain't got to look for a girl nowadays cause almost all these niggaz is bitches
See 'em often while we walking I'll show you the drug dealers
and some dudes that hate me word on the streets is they real killers dog
Where was the hate back when I wasn't on my feet
An alcoholic, school dropout, just a bum on the street
Where was the hate during my adolescence
Back when that psychiatrist was trying hard to get me on immanic depression so man
I don't recall none of this happenin' back then
And I don't understand I was still rappin' back then
So I got to ride with a gun
From trying to get my mom and pop up out of the slums and provide for my son
If you met my baby moms would you notice
If she was ready for a child of if her ass had an alterial motive
I don't know what she's teaching Trey but everyday he get older
Angie's bitter and feel like now that I'm successful I owe her
Cause she would hold me so tight when I was ready to relapse
Tell me to relax, I ain't know no better straight out of rehab
Bottom line I was lonesome
But we was wrong for each other, Angie I grown some
Got bigger issues, if you went to Def Jam would you notice
If they was out for my best interest or do they just see a dollar in Joseph? (Ugh)
Guess I ain't sure how I feel anymore
Ever since I got signed I can't tell what's real anymore
I mean them same record execs that wanted me in
Don't care that I'm the next nigga, they just wanna see spins I swear
Guess I ain't sure how I feel anymore
Ever since I got signed I can't tell what's real anymore, you feelin' me dog


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