Joe Budden

Songtext Focus Joe Budden


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Salutation, Joe Budden here (WOO!)
I be your host tonight for this evening, you know (WOO!!!)
Dub B. with the banger, Webb, Nitty, Dolla (WOO!!!)
Shouts is stupid let that bass knock

[Verse 1]
Still on your block with it (WOO!!!)
Street ball and the black top with it
Ballin war to the crackpot crackspt with it (WOO!!!)
Gat cop with it, white tee black socks fitted
Pop the trunk let the bass knock with it (WOO!!!)
Like, no team could beat us
We pump diesel I ain't talkin 'bout jeans or sneakers
Raid, man we gettin it harder
All day dog I live in the carter, take your time with it
Jump off that nigga
Nona seen me with at least two birds like Jack Tripper
Jerse, true that I'm a rep, new jag on the set durag on my neck
Breathe, and then hide your bait
Cause all my heat stay dirty like a project vent
Whoa, on the lowdown bring the hook it's about to go down, ladies!!!!

If you focused man would you please rock with it if you overstand
You know!! Get focused man cause whether hoopty or rover man we doin us (WOO!!!)
If you focused man would you please rock with it if you overstand
You know!! sing the track now pause, stop playin man bring it back now

[Verse 2]
Pause, man I tell 'em whatever
Say I got a little X they think I know the director
Ma, that's just how the game go
Never burberry but you could splurge with rainbow
Trick, I know how a groupie do
Yeah I tell 'em I'm dead broke don't let the jewelry fool you (WOO!!!)
Ho! Sing the track now pause, stop playin man bring it back now(WOO!!!) All
this paper is the only reason why shorty wanna call me later
No! I won't see ya tomorrow
how we goin out to eat I thought you ain't swallow
Think cause I rock jeans and sling rocks
That I'm a wife beater I don't mean tank top
You think I'm a start actin new I got enough beef
Not to start slappin you but back to it (WOO!!!)
No, funds comin over tonight
She fell for the yank unfitted over my eyes
Cause Joe, get up in the choch and slide
Taxi never rove or a five that's how I do, thugs

If you focused man would you please rock with it if you overstand
You know!! Get focused man cause whether hoopty or rover man we doin us (WOO!)
If you focused man would you please rock with it if you overstand
You know!! sing the track now pause, stop playin man bring it back now

[Verse 3]
Crates, I keep the pump out
Park the V jump out when I need to dump out
Cain, y'all don't know a thing
Jump off make it snow or spring but anyway (WOO!!!)
Clubs, if y'all don't yet
I skips the pat down, cashier, and coat check (WOO!!!)
Sing the track now pause, stop playin man bring it back now
(Friday) Fridays I might stay home
Might run up in a lounge or I might play on
(Saturday) Saturdays P. Caliwood
With his thugs in the whip they follow me from the hood
(Sunday) Sunday I'm gettin right with a broad
That I probably met the night before y'all know my style (WOO!!!)
Wait, y'all know that's right
Low cut like so what with the throw back nikes (WOO!!!)
I'm good with somebody's bill
Tell 'em to holla at somebody real ain't nothin change (WOO!!!)
Let's, go, sing the track now pause
Stop playin man bring the track now (WOO!!!)

Jump off (WOO!!!) Doug B, Fame (WOO!!!)
Devin, on top, (WOO!!!)

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