Joe Budden

Songtext Stand up nucca Joe Budden


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Stand up nucca

[Joe Budden]
I just want everybody to kinda be clear..
Of what's takin place right now...
It's not an introduction, it's more like a beginning...
It's like the calm before the storm...
I guess you can sorta call it, the rebirth...
Or the birth period... it's the growth...
For all my real niggaz... real people in general...
It's never one-dimensional, it goes out to everybody...
If you can though... just kinda take some time out...
Relate to it

For all my mans that died, with grams at they side
Plans just to ride, gun jammed when he drive
Ballers who never made it out the hood
Cats who owed, but never made it out the hood
If they offered you pleas and you went to court with it
My dawgs doin time cause you got caught with it
Or if you need cheddar, blast heat whenever
And run from the cops cause you know the streets better
Dope niggaz who rich cause they know connects
Or dope niggaz who spit but got no connects
If you pitch to pay rent, but get no business
Life in the state pen but get no visits
Fend for yourself cause you ain't got no boys
Ride or die, cause really you ain't got no choice
If your alibi's straight when you're wanted on the stand
Soldiers that take they football numbers like a man
Hustle O-Z cause your product rich there
Hood know you snitch but you gotta live there
You held your man shot, you don't know where it hit him
And you tryin to buy guns, you don't know where to get 'em
If you strapped in the streets with your palms all black
Young G's that gotta see they moms on crack
Pop can't be found, hand me down
When you the oldest out of five, hold the family down
If you caught a body and your wiz hid you out
If you slept in the park when moms kicked you out
Or if you gonna die, you gon' leave with a slug
Idolized your big bro, but he was a thug
If you squeeze in leather first cause it never hurt
Street cats that never work cause it never worked
Or if you got your shit snatched, ripped clipped and masked
Too small for the kickback, but gotta get your shit back
Killed niggaz playin, was only boxin
Accept twenty flat as your only option
Calm in the jungle in between the system
If you high on parole and gotta clean your system
If you told 'em to stop, cause soon you'll lose it
When you pull up your pants bled, bullet wounds to prove it
Or if you grabbed the liquor, swallow it hard
If they drive-by on you but you follow the car
Full clip cause your foes is lurkin; or the D's at your door
with a picture cause you know this person
If you dead broke, but forced into extortin
Cause your girl pregnant and she don't want a abortion
Got charged but 'fore strap a gun anyway
Took the state's lawyer, but you won anyway
Stand up cats beat the odds by far
Real recognize real, R.R.R.

Don't mistake a amped up nucca.. for what?
For a stand up nucca.. I won't
If you a stand up nucca.. then what?
Then stand up nucca.. R.. R.. R..

Basically, that's about it...
Hope you people get a better understanding...
And roll with me... geah!
Let's get into it...

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