Joe Budden

Songtext Pump it up Joe Budden


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Pump it up

Pump p p pump pump p p p pump
Pump p p pump pump it up
Pump p p pump pump p pump p pump
Pump p p pump pump it up
(Just Blaze)
Pump p p pump pump it up
We gon do it like (Uuh, uuh, uuh)

Look, pump it up if you came to get it krunk
With a dame and shit that's drunk
You came to get it on, more than 5 O's in your bank
Then get it on, roll up like that stank
And get it on, slank that fitted on
Came to get it on
Hold up she want work that twork that
Then again let me hurt that murk that
Til you gotta hurt back
Can't spit it out, boo you gotta slurp that
Can't cuddle after we done, it wasn't worth that
Joey I'm responsible for bringin Jersey back (And we bad huh)
She at the bar stylin' she throwing it up
She drink a little hypno, throwing it up
But I'm only dealing with freaks that wanna cut
Ma if you agree I want nut
Camcorder, get it played late night on BET Uncut (uhh)

Fellas - do your thing let me do my thang
I mean - do your thing let me do my thang
Shorties - move that thing, mami move that thing
C'mon - move that thing, mami move that thing
Hustlers - do your thing let me do my thang
Please tell the DJ - pump p p pump pump it up!

I see some haters grilling
I see some ladies chilling
I see dat girlie
I been plottin to get
She can hop in the whip
And we can
Pump p p pump pump it up

OK we was leaving we was done
Then she said can my people's come
Here we go I see it don't stop
They wanna ride in something were the rims don't stop
Look baby you fine, but your girlfriends not
And then she wanna hold out getting cute on the phone
I ain't gotta be bothered, be cute on your own
My jump off doesn't run off at the mouth so much
My jump off never ask why I go out so much
My jump off never has me going out of my way
And she don't want nothing on Valentines Day
My jump off don't argue or get rebellious
And she don't mind hanging out wit da fellas
My jump off's not insecure or jealous
(Uuh, uuh, uuh)


Y'all dudes keep talking bout your ice and all the shine to it
That's a white gold cross with a real fine cubic
Ma wanna fall in love like I'm cupid
Telling me she don't give brain like I'm stupid
You can do anything if you put your mind to it
(Get it)
Think about it the game is bad playa
Ain't it bad playa
Don't worry Joey'll change it back playa
Might of heard me spittin wit Cain and Fab playa
I got the set boards to bring it back playa
Bang and clap playa
Front man no longer playin the back playa
Plain as that playa
808's pumpin bang the track playa
Want my 2nd wind change the rap playa
Jump off 1 man gang I'm back playa
Look, Want you want bump double click pump
Ride, ride swamp dump off homie jump off
All these haters on my (huh) won't jump off
When all the streets need is J J J Jump off
J J Jump J J J J J Jump off
Uuh, uuh, uuh


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