Smoke Dza

Songtext Toast Smoke Dza


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Der musikalische text TOAST von SMOKE DZA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Statue of limitations (2019)

Statue of limitations




I gave 'em seventeen, I'm back clickin'
Two brand new hoes, I'm Chad trippin'
Or Lou Will-in', if you willin'
Summertime, drop the top, don't do ceilings
Mob style, killers perched on few buildings
I won't let 'em JFK me (Nah)
Trey-pound boom like KD
Shots make you dance like JT
Everything in sync, clap to the click, click
Before the body drop, I probably got a thottie with some pack or some drinks
Middleman, nobody jacking your links
You an internet nigga, nobody care what you actually think
I'm at the spot, not your events
I was handling a lick, you was on the 'Gram talking to my flicks
I ignored you, now you salty and you sick
Niggas actin' like they made me like they deserve a portion of my flip
Like when I lost forty they helped offset the hit
Hmm, never amigo
Had to move them pounds like keto
Reality rap, no egos
You can't find these visuals on Vevo

And we came to get this money like we 'posed to do
Cheers to the hustlers, toast to you
If you mad and broke, then you 0 for 2
You gon' get the bag or you gon' be emotional?
Don't let opportunity miss and hit who's close to you
Make sure you get your just due

Yo, I put a shooter on your block, niggas fleeing for cover
Back when moving grams to suckers was my bread and butter
No plan, I broke bread, my whole fam was struggling
Do a lot of stunting but you never fed your brothers
You ain't like me (Nah)
I took them trips by myself to put my team on
'Cause fuck bein' rich by myself
Penthouse views
Big loud jewels keep talking, nigga, this fifth got a big mouth too
No lie, trap stupid, I could quit by noon
Just how I'm payin', I could have 'em rich by June
Ah, they want me back in the pen'
Load so heavy, caught a flat in the Benz (Damn)
Bricks was thirty, I was taxin' 'em ten
Every hustler guaranteed to make back what they spend
Y'all talk dope, but y'all all broke
What you know about thirty in a Carhartt coat? (Fuck you know about that?)
Real shit, all off quotes
Last month I hit a number I never saw off dope, THE BUTCHER

And we came to get this money like we 'posed to do
Cheers to the hustlers, toast to you
If you mad and broke, then you 0 for 2
You gon' get the bag or you gon' be emotional?
Don't let opportunity miss and hit who's close to you
Make sure you get your just due

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