Smoke Dza

Songtext Smoked and butchered Smoke Dza


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Der musikalische text SMOKED AND BUTCHERED von SMOKE DZA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Statue of limitations (2019)

Statue of limitations


Smoked and butchered

Yeah, it's Smoke and BUTCHER
You can get smoked and butchered
Marijuana, rap money, niggas flyin' the snooker
Put a bag on your head, put coke on a hooker
Yeah, it's Smoke and BUTCHER
You can get smoked and butchered
Marijuana, rap money, niggas flyin' the snooker
That show money good, but niggas fuck with the pushers (Yeah)

The Kush God and the BUTCHER, it's the best of the best
Everything drug related, but that's regular rec
A hundred comin', an effortless flex
Curry brothers, we more Johnny and Leo than we Stephen and Seth
Oh, you wearin' an S on your chest
Well we aimin' for nothing but jugulars anyway, out with your vest
When life flash, will you cherish the rest?
My older homie made a living off threatening record execs
TEC on the desk, that's a definite yes
Left in the 'jects with a hundred regrets
With all due respect, we ain't those niggas
When I'm talkin' 'bout packs, I'm talking loaves with it
Toured the spots, made stove visits
You got hit 'cause you let every bitch you know kick it
You think you slick, plus you owe niggas
Put a bag on your head, same price for these front row tickets

Yeah, it's Smoke and BUTCHER
You can get smoked and butchered
Marijuana, rap money, niggas flyin' the snooker
Put a bag on your head, put coke on a hooker
Yeah, it's Smoke and BUTCHER
You can get smoked and butchered
Marijuana, rap money, niggas flyin' the snooker
That show money good, but niggas fuck with the pushers

Yo, quiet is kept, my grandma's finest success
Ever since 9, I thought highest buyin' the chest
Like the first to sell blow on my floor inspired the rest
'Fore you start to see some dough, gotta earn your client's respect
Nah, I'm not one of them guys you find on the 'net
Clip in it so long that I can climb up the TEC
On the plate, the work dry, but the inside of it wet
Now I call an hour ahead just to line up the chef, yeah
That's boss status
Way different from y'all status
Your clique full of retard rappers and ball grabbers
I'm sonning niggas that you call captain
They think it's all rap, I put a big nigga in a small casket
Fuck out my face with all that dick chewing
Plug took me first round like the Knicks when they picked Ewing
Y'all niggas know what my clique doing
I'm with DZA blowin' loud 'til I go deaf like Rick Rubin, let's go

Yeah, it's Smoke and BUTCHER
You can get smoked and butchered
Marijuana, rap money, niggas flyin' the snooker
Put a bag on your head, put coke on a hooker
Yeah, it's Smoke and BUTCHER
You can get smoked and butchered
Marijuana, rap money, niggas flyin' the snooker
That show money good, but niggas fuck with the pushers

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