Smoke Dza

Songtext Drug rap Smoke Dza


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Der musikalische text DRUG RAP von SMOKE DZA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Statue of limitations (2019)

Statue of limitations


Drug rap

Ya doin' wrong by your people, man
Told Trig you should cut his ass
Yeah, uh

Stay on point, hope you cover your hand (Uh)
I don't question the unknowns, it was all in the plans
Niggas' morals be fucked up, they blamin' the Xans
You told on a nigga who told on a nigga who told on your mans (What?)
Whole lot of finger pointin', bunch of Uncle Sams (Uh)
Four of you niggas and you couldn't cop a 100 grams (Uh)
My man had the butter tan
Back in the happy days, back in the varsity, the Richie Cunningham
I hear the gossip, if huddles could kill
I keep it classy, they don't want my rebuttals, for real
You know the kid got diamond in reach, palmin' the beat
Break this whole box down, make sure all of us eat (Uh)
You a scumbag, lyin' to your peeps, lyin' to me
Four sealers in the spot, we ain't been shoppin' in weeks (Right)
Your pop still a busta, he just cop on the sneak
Reportin' live from the streets, fly as can be

Yeah, thank God for drug rap (Right)
Met a new transpo to bring the bud back (Uh)Got it covered from all angles
My pet peeve is all singles
Thank God for drug rap (Right)
Met a new plug, better number on dub packs (Uh)
Got it covered from all angles (Uh)
My pet peeve is all singles

It don't get more official than Benny
Where I'm from they call you a OG if you lived through your twenties
The trap was slow, me and bro, I had to sit in there with him (Sat there)
I did the dirty work, they came and copped with nickles and pennies (Nickles and pennies)
Uh, the plug sent him if you gettin' a fifty (What else?)
Anything less than that, he only get 'em to Philly
I trapped out the Monte Carlo, had to dip through the city
Now my ego way too big to fit in the Bentley (Yeah)
Tight with the G's how I kept my rep
I'm gettin' checks, now check, show these niggas how to hustle step by step
The price double when it left my steps
My young bitch too much for me, I fuck her and gotta catch my breath
And all this Fendi shit, F by F (Uh)
I got it out the mud 'cause every pack that I catch, I stretch
Just 'cause you broke, don't mean you ready for this cake (Nah)
So bow your head and give thanks for the resi' on the plate (Ahh)

Yeah, thank God for drug rap (Right)
Met a new transpo to bring the bud back (Uh)
Got it covered from all angles
My pet peeve is all singles
Thank God for drug rap (Right)
Met a new plug, better number on dub packs (Uh)
Got it covered from all angles
My pet peeve is all singles

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