Smoke Dza

Songtext Bullets Smoke Dza


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Der musikalische text BULLETS von SMOKE DZA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Statue of limitations (2019)

Statue of limitations



Kush God and the Butcher
Surgeon General warning

We all got raw, I got tree, Benny the pastry man (Uh)
Soon as the package touch, I'ma make these scram (Outta here)
Once you get yours, it went through 18 hands (Uh)
Pull up on your block in the A-Team van
Hannibal Smith, big cigars on hand (Really)
B. A. Baracus, couple chains, no scams (Uh)
Ya hustle game shaky, fam
Ya numbers outdated, can’t fake these fans
Fuck notoriety in the minor league (Uh)
Frank stand to the critics in it's entirety (Uh)
Money inspires me
Trackin' the box only thing that gimme anxiety (Right)
I got something for you if you unemployed
This loud pack hit like a hundred Floyds
Animal status, makin’ tons of noise
Bunch of lions and apes smokin' jungle boys

You ain't 'bout no gun action, stop woofin' (Nah)
Niggas shoot diss tracks, we shot bullets (Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, brrt)
Made 5
K on the corner and the cops took it
But you can tell by my wrist, I gave the pot whoopings
You ain't 'bout no gun action, stop woofin' (Nah)
Niggas shoot diss tracks, we shot bullets (Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, brrt)
Made 5
K on the corner and the cops took it
But you can tell by my wrist, I gave the pot whoopings

Said a silent prayer, my hands laid on a Bible
Been drove for 20 years, sittin’ straight through Ohio
I was barely out of high school when buyin’ weight
On my way to prison, I looked my mom in her cryin' face
Left the trap with money counters and a candle burnin’
Fuck niggas, I be good long as this hammer workin'
We still cordial with the bosses and the workers
And I'm this way on Instagram and in person
Uh, the players change, but the game won't
The money came late, so I stayed woke
Talents took me to Dallas, amigo got me established
I’m in a race with the opps to see who get rich the fastest
BSF, nigga

You ain't 'bout no gun action, stop woofin' (Nah)
Niggas shoot diss tracks, we shot bullets (Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, brrt)
Made 5
K on the corner and the cops took it
But you can tell by my wrist, I gave the pot whoopings (Griselda)
You ain't 'bout no gun action, stop woofin' (Nah)
Niggas shoot diss tracks, we shot bullets (Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, brrt)
Made 5
K on the corner and the cops took it
But you can tell by my wrist, I gave the pot whoopings

Niggas shootin' these disses, they ain't a real threat (You niggas pussy, man)
Two bodies, tell me who we gotta peel next (Who want smoke?)
Rap about your imaginary guns, we got real TECs (Fuck outta here)
I pull up with the FN, shoot a movie like I'm lil' X (Boom, boom, boom, boom)
Two hundred pounds in my basement and they still fresh (Uh-huh)
I'm still hustlin' like I ain't got a deal yet (I'm still hustlin', nigga)
My wrist and my bitch pussy real wet
And this a stingray when I pull up in that teal 'Vette (Talk to 'em)
Yeah, I'm thankin' God for this ki of coke (Okay)
Paranormal driveway, you gon' see a Ghost (Woo)
You gon' see a Wraith, you gon' see a Mulsanne (What else?)
Culinary label truck (Huh?), you gon' see 'em both (Wow)
I mean, if we talkin' bread, you gon' see a loaf (Ha)
I keep it close, look at us wrong, you gon' be approached (Ayo, what's poppin'?)
We been gettin' money, boy, I ain't used to bein' broke (Huh?)
Niggas ain't fuckin' with Benny the Butcher, me, and Smoke (Not at all)
It ain't even close

You ain't 'bout no gun action, stop woofin' (Nah)
Niggas shoot diss tracks, we shot bullets (Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, brrt)
Made 5
K on the corner and the cops took it
But you can tell by my wrist, I gave the pot whoopings
You ain't 'bout no gun action, stop woofin' (Nah)
Niggas shoot diss tracks, we shot bullets (Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, brrt)
Made 5
K on the corner and the cops took it
But you can tell by my wrist, I gave the pot whoopings

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