Aesop Rock

Songtext Time moves differently here Aesop Rock


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Time moves differently here

Aes loves red meat, extra pickles, extra cheese
Extra sauce and accidental extra lemon pepper wings
Decorating patties at the fixing's bar on bended knee
And telling people he invented ketchup on everything
Artificial char-lines, orange chicken, large fries
Large milkshake, not the boys to the yard kind
More the boys to the drive-thru car line
Add a pie, give yourself to the dark side
Add a shot, add a bacon egg croissant
Add a hot and flaky danish, coffee cake or cake pop
Popping jalapeño poppers in route to filet of cod
Side of popcorn shrimp, oh god, make it stop
Double-triple Texas angus steakinator waffle sticks
Crispy ranch and activated maple eggroll taco twists
Panko-crusted flaming gator honey mango lava ribs
Make that shit a combo and do not forget the condiments

I was at the drive through
Playing hooky from the wild goose
Losing minutes in the time loop
I had planned to slide thru
Seen the signage in the side view
Had to slip into the flight suit
At the drive thru, at the drive thru
Perusing the entirety of side two
At the drive thru, at the drive thru
Musta been a hundred high noons

Before the chord was even cut he motioned towards a meatball sub
Before they got him home he asked to stop for sloppy joes
Soda shamen, surely first to supersize the holy grail
Booted from the "build your own", his mochi broke the yogurt scale
Bogus, gutter running Julius in protest
I been good-to-go since you said "No" to "Would you like it toasted?"
You know it's free and radically upgrades the vessel, right?
That "at your detriment"s some "I need some attention" type
That's like saying the best invention ain't the pretzel bite
It isn't helpful, just a lens into an empty life
Tonight on Table Talk we go beyond the peri peri spice
Through 11 secret herbs, parsley, sage, rosemary thyme
Very berry cajunated pasta chimi-dipper toast
Zesty melted melon cheddar chocolate blizzard schnitzel bowls
Lemon butter buffalo conniption guava brisket cones
Pull up to the window please, bleed the sacrificial goat

I was at the drive through
Playing hooky from the wild goose
Losing minutes in the time loop
I had planned to slide thru
Seen the signage in the side view
Had to slip into the flight suit
At the drive thru, at the drive thru
Perusing the entirety of side two
At the drive thru, at the drive thru
Headed into overtime times two

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