Aesop Rock

Songtext Kyanite toothpick Aesop Rock


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Kyanite toothpick

I'm on that... keep the light meter guessin'
The dreaded French exit for the sight-seeing lensmen
Boulder and a see-saw, t-minus 3, 2
Peace y'all, master of the sea and the heavens
I'm P-noid, traffic beeping in the key of my penance
Even the wind in the willow ask "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"
Tune in, how's my driving?
Drivers start dialing, I drive like a man who dies trying
Here salt of the earth all-seers
Read palms through X3 Walgreens readers
Drawstring eaters, no staff to memo
No cabs to flag, just you and the black echo
See if it says hello back
If it says hello first, hit 'em with the Cheshire Cat
This ain't a circle to a checkered flag
It's people keen to murder for a level map
Thief market buzzing by what use to be McDonald's
The currency is crystal and deconstructed Elantras
Anonymous warning shots are the modern "attention shoppers"
A stop in defense of honor's a belly flop in piranhas
Money, get to the chopper, money, on your way adopt a puppy
I'm on that proper dummy, it's getting Tonka Truck-y
Yup yup, you on that curfew
I'm on that late night, you on that church pew

I'm on that Bauhaus, I'm on that Brutalist
I'm on that OG, you on that new to this
I'm on that matador, I'm on that bull fight
You on that bullshit, I'm on that dirt bike
I'm on that 12 o'clock, you on that road rash
You on that credit line, I'm on that cold cash
You made the stock crash, I took that stock up
You on that pitfall, I'm on that good luck

I'm on that Mobius, I'm on that Minor Threat
I'm on that find peace
You on that find meth
I'm on that insects trilling
Dandelion stem in his fist with the head missing
Into the mess willing

When I was 17 I was on that Doomsday
Hiding from the outside, buried in that looseleaf
You was on that loose lips, I was on that ruthless
You was on that useless, I was on that truth, bitch

You was on that glue trap, I was on that Busenitz
I was on that blueprint, you was on that group think
You was on that hoodwinked, I was on that blue chip
Hanni in a goose down, chewing on a toothpick
I was on that "ooh child", I was on that noodle brick
I was on that Brooklyn bound, hooks around a nutriment
You was on that 2-bit, I was on that Two Towers
I was on that Juice Crew, I was on that "Whose House"
I could do this all night, outside of your own lackeys
You as common as a table for one in the Lonesome Valley
The mean-mugging seems tuff until a real someone
Come and decorate your gate with a pelt that means something, to ya
Local time: sudden death overtime
Sold his 10-foot pole, it's fold or ride the poltergeist, cold
I'm on that party crash, you on that guard the gate
I'm on that Garlic Mash

I'm on that Bauhaus, I'm on that Brutalist
I'm on that OG, you on that new to this
I'm on that matador, I'm on that bull fight
You on that bullshit, I'm on that dirt bike
I'm on that 12 o'clock, you on that road rash
You on that credit line, I'm on that cold cash
You made the stock crash, I took that stock up
You on that pitfall, I'm on that good luck

I'm on that Bauhaus, I'm on that Brutalist
I'm on that OG, you on that new to this
I'm on that matador, I'm on that bull fight
You on that bullshit, I'm on that dirt bike
I'm on that 12 o'clock, you on that road rash
You on that credit line, I'm on that cold cash
You made the stock crash, I took that stock up
You on that pitfall, I'm on that good luck

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