Aesop Rock

Songtext Mindful solutionism Aesop Rock


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Mindful solutionism

2.5 million years ago, a friend of mine
Made a tool from a stone and defended his tribe
It's technology, sorry for the technical term
It's a wheel, then a fire and the rest is a blur
Throw a theorized plot in the pot with applied science
Let it sit, I bet it streamlines your environs
What's a resource local to the grotto
The method isn't free until the mechanism follow

That's technology, innovate a difference
A feat of engineering, a system made efficient
There isn't a condition, complication, or revision
Where the answer ain't to build a more sophisticated widget
Idget, tired of games, Bronze Age, Iron Age
Weaponry in stellar form, shelter finer by the day
Live stock and vegetables in rows behind the hideaway
Mesopotamia out the muhfuckin' lion cage

If it's out of the bag, then it's out of bag
If it's out of the bag, then it's out of bag
If it's out of the bag, then it's out of bag
Now that is a powerful cat

Now that is a powerful cat

Now that is a powerful cat

You take a lever and a pulley and a winch and a wedge
You get a labyrinth of aqueducts and pyramid steps
Before the Jesus, Archimedes on that miracle tech
Year zero, you could feel the future rearing its head
Put a shoe on a horse, shoot a man with a gun
Steampower, bifocals, and mechanical funk
Manipulate electricity, no it can not be done
Yes it can, ain't a dam that could cancel the flood
True to human curiosity, at the tree of knowledge
Pulling genies out of bottles, stealing from Leonardos
Plane train auto, hauling space age cargo
Bizarro technology, everyday is tomorrow
Telegraph, telephone, you could flirt with Doris
In Poughkeepsie from a cozy geodesic dome in Sydney
You can write a letter with no paper
You could fix anything with a laser

If it's out of the bag, then it's out of bag
If it's out of the bag, then it's out of bag
If it's out of the bag, then it's out of bag
Now that is a powerful cat

Now that is a powerful cat

Now that is a powerful cat

You could get a robot limb for your blown off limb
Later on the same technology could automate your gig
As awesome as it is
Wait it gets awful, you could split a atom willy-nilly
If it's energy that can be used for killing then it will be
It's not about a better knife, it's chemistry and genocide
And medicine for tempering the heck in the projector light
Landmines, agent orange, leaded gas, cigarettes
Cameras in your favorite corners, plastic in the wilderness
We can not be trusted with the stuff that we come up with
The machinery could eat us, we just really just love our buttons
Ummm... technology, focus on the other shit
3D-printed body parts, dehydrated onion dip
You could buy a jet-ski from a cell phone on a jumbo jet
T-E-C-H-N-O-L-O-G-Y, it's the ultimate

If it's out of the bag, then it's out of bag
If it's out of the bag, then it's out of bag
If it's out of the bag, then it's out of bag
Now that is a powerful cat

Now that is a powerful cat

Now that is a powerful cat

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