Aesop Rock

Songtext Bermuda Aesop Rock


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I will send you flowers...

King of world peace, purple aura, laurel wreath
Secure the flora, orchidaceae to fungal spore release
to algae in the coral reef
Florida orange, Georgia peach
Poison ivy, even his defensive line is floral-themed
Dahlias grow out of my back, hyacinth over my trunk
12,000 species of moss, agree to upholster his tongue
Tubers and roots in his shoes, gimme a feud to diffuse
Bury 'em all in bouquets, de-escalation ensues
You looking stupid shooting the fade in petunias
Or doing dirt in the daisies, I'm changing into bermudas
All of that doofus shit you oozing just don't play in the tulips
If human nature vs nature nature is brewing, my goodness
Guns and roses turn to roses and roses
Country roads is overgrown with begonias
Come press your nose to the lotus
Those aromas make a tuffy throw his toast in the ocean
I'm on the beach in my floaties like I don't know any Moses, ayo

Blood stains, ingrained, of pain, I'm slayed, I'm beat up, chewed up, drained, but I'll send you flowers

Blood stains, ingrained, of pain, I'm slayed, I'm beat up, chewed up, drained, but I'll send you flowers

How'd you get so bathed in light?
I throw flowers at Satan on site

From birthstone to first snow
To posies in the pockets of your church clothes
To fertilizing where the red fern grows
I know a speeding bullet over Broadway is cathartic
I just hope before it's target it talk to a few samaras
Helicoptering from canopy to forest floor and garden
Forget the aggressive warning, it's more of a "Hello darling"
Even Ares pull over to say "Ayo, don't say I said it
But goddamn that vegetation is, dare I say it - "disarming"
Dog, wait'll they take in the morning glories
Or petals that smell like bubblegum and marshmallows warming
I love to see a horde who swore to burn the steeple at night
Get floated noses-first like Mickey Mouse to seasonal pie
That oleander answer violence like a bleach for the eye
Let's hope you answer to them violets 'fore they eat you alive
Whatever ring-leading led you to revel in things grieving
Got the kingdom of chlorophyll assembled for spring-cleaning

Blood stains, ingrained, of pain, I'm slayed, I'm beat up, chewed up, drained, but I'll send you flowers

Blood stains, ingrained, of pain, I'm slayed, I'm beat up, chewed up, drained, but I'll send you flowers

How'd you get so cleansed in blood?
I keep more flowers ready in the trunk

I had to grow, I had to grow, I had to grow, I will send you flowers

I had to grow, I had to grow, I had to grow, I will send you flowers

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