Aesop Rock

Songtext The sea Aesop Rock


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The sea

My new fall coat got strange powers, when I'm with it I know I am not the same without it, I like to zip it all the way up til I'm only eyes, I wear it when I'm dipping in and out the flow of time

My swerve circle toughies, I learn em, and return to "good for abso-smurfly nothing", we buddies when ya need a beaver hat to birth a bunny, any other day it's heed the curse and don't disturb the mummy, disturb the mummy, Ive heard it turn your monday into bright lights hovering over crop circle country,, slow clap when your cold facts capsize, soul clap through your last rites, chew gum from "we're losing him" to flatline, and that's life, not to be a dagger through your bagpipes, strike another match with no sensation in my feelers, this is too much information, breaking plates and taking t-birds, away, He flees Rome between seizures, still talking grease, launching tees into bleachers, take him to your leader's leader's leader, even the redeemer like "I need to speak to senior", ey!

Every dollar you bury under a tree, all the art that inform how you speak, little black books stacked to the beams, it all falls into the sea

Shoebox full of photos from the scene, all the nothing you been stuffing up your sleeve, more stuff than you possibly need, it all falls into the sea

If a single point of light off in the distance got you fuddy-duddies tripping, you should see me when I'm colors from the prism, I don't know if you're busy, but the bunker we resist in got a cupboard full of skulls, you'd make a wonderful addition, Listen, I could back a nail out from the inside, scratch through the lid and dig a tunnel toward the wind chimes, it's time, any plan to track and split the bounty turn to sand, when, mother ain't around to kiss the owies, I show up uninvited, break a chair and drink the lava lamp, All you see is fire and karate on the body cam, golly you're a docile bunch, I'm ushering that posse out the poppy plants, this is my Jumanji not your Zombieland, probably eat a couple fingernails, but otherwise, did it all pretending I'm not seeing trails, Known for taking 5 to stick my tongue out in the autumn rain, thats just how I auto save

Every dollar you bury under a tree, all the art that inform how you speak, little black books stacked to the beams, it all falls into the sea

Shoebox full of photos from the scene, all the nothing you been stuffing up your sleeve, more stuff than you possibly need, it all falls into the sea

Apple, carrot, ginger, beet juice, bejeweled nun chucks, motherfuck these ghouls, everything I wear got 3 wolves, there is no aes, only Zuul, ey, people be cool, bee smoker puffing smoke, here to breech the honeycomb, steal the honey, fuck the drones, Stung thrice, still rub his belly in the hammock, between trees over the Atlantic, he's gigantic, unbelievers get a peak at where my twisters tend to land 'em, and adopt dogs just to tell 'em they're not in Kansas, Damn, come and dip a dog into the undertow that flush you and that button nose the fuck back to the bunny slope, Sleeping bag in a circle of Carnívora, a hundred thousand deities that can't do nothing for ya, I tell my cat pretend like it's just us and the aurora, she said take me to New York if we both make it to tomorrow

Every dollar you bury under a tree, all the art that inform how you speak, little black books stacked to the beams, it all falls into the sea

Shoebox full of photos from the scene, all the nothing you been stuffing up your sleeve, more stuff than you possibly need, it all falls into the sea

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