Aesop Rock

Songtext That is not a wizard Aesop Rock


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That is not a wizard

True crime, fantasy, action/adventure, game show, It's all sci-fi, I'm all Play doh, I like data that turn brains to egg yolk, It turn royals to regular John or Jane Does, I hate praising net worth over legwork, I hate ceding all power to the extroverts, I find the current social architecture hell on earth, We make shepherds and shadow em to the netherworld, I move reticent, never really an open book, I'm gone fishin' at the risk of being overlooked, I know you love it when the novas open cobra hoods, a little show to get the focus off the cloven foot, behind the curtain the Merlin is all jellyfish, I get to beckon the wrecking ball to your Lego brick, I wish you nothing but the gentle kiss of yellow piss, I give you nothing but the number for my exorcist

I was on the floor in a fugue state, Tripping over old flicks, picking out a new name, I was on the couch feeling real gone, learning how to walk from leaving the TV on, You could bear witness to the 2nd first step

You could bear witness to the 2nd first step
You could bear witness to the 2nd first step
You could bear witness to the 2nd first step

Romance, comedy, documentary, newscast, it's all cartoons, I'm all smooth jazz, I seen a few that plotted futures over chewed fat, abandon crew to collude with the common sewer rat, we value wrath above any accurate narrative, we let our most irascible design the characters, they only dressing they vendettas up as parables, promoting privacy and cowardice as parallels, I got rid of the whip and told myself to boogie more, invoke eternal disobedience in human form, secure the city short an infantry and wooden horse, you missed the morning you were born to play the bugle for, I like glassy lake water and old maps, tall tales with black sails and skull flags, cold lemonade and OG Golden Axe, I don't like to talk about the UFO Crash

I was on the floor in a fugue state, Tripping over old flicks, picking out a new name, I was on the couch feeling real gone, learning how to walk from leaving the TV on, You could bear witness to the 2nd first step

You could bear witness to the 2nd first step
You could bear witness to the 2nd first step
You could bear witness to the 2nd first step

Late night, thriller, reality, drama, western, it's all politics I'm all dead nerves, my margin riddled with bubble letters, and french girls, my special powers are animus and revenge-thirst, corrosive energy hemorrhaging from the heavyweights, you like adherents who would swear they saw you levitate, that dedication never question if the record straight, it help you keep the accountability M.I.A., we see the quivering kitten beneath the goat mask, intimidation means Influence over drone attack, this ain't exactly some sophisticated code to crack, some people like to see a decent morning overcast, sometimes a beam of light comes screaming from my upper trunk, I walk around in public looking like a hundred suns, my covey turn that something wicked into nothing much, I give a fuck if all the money's in the blood and guts

I was on the floor in a fugue state, Tripping over old flicks, picking out a new name, I was on the couch feeling real gone, learning how to walk from leaving the TV on, You could bear witness to the 2nd first step

You could bear witness to the 2nd first step
You could bear witness to the 2nd first step
You could bear witness to the 2nd first step

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