Aesop Rock

Songtext All day breakfast Aesop Rock


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All day breakfast

Important people take a mold of my footprint, it doesn't match a single fauna track in your bookends, I fashion me a hoodie from the head of a bush pig, push the red button, I am back on my bullshit, whether back row, throwing sno-caps at the pulpit, or backyard bat into black of the solstice, pulls rabbits out a hat and turns brats into sculptures, magi, mags to the roadwork, ghost world P.M., he a surgeon with the echo, blindfolded, float around the petco, perfecto, I'm sending out an s.o.s. and training for the longest night, or any situation where invaders may have clawed his eyes, out, T-rex tooth necklace, smells like biofreeze and all-day breakfast, Bass Pro base layer, pacemaker, cel phone, med kit, see you assholes in the tempest,, Raised on 1010wins, on the ones every 10 mins, big league chew and stupid pet tricks, now I'm green vines up red brick, climb til he pluck a supergiant out of Pegasus, Blow the house down easy peasy, It's the deacon of disaster pulling reefer out his beanie, handwriting born of regional graffiti, disobedient thereafter, kid it's veni, vidi, vici, yea

Born of UFO sighting
I ain't down with jacking styles
I'm jacking clouds for silver linings
Listen fams
To my advantage, been abandoned law abiding
I'm the baddest, I don't panic when the planets are colliding
Fresh start for the convict
No cost, come and get dipped in the solvent
Fabric of my tailor made garment
Torn sail, third rail, tail of a comet
Me and my counterpart
Come to put it down over the counter at your local mart
Take your pound of flesh but keep from anything around the heart
'Fore I go kaput I stomp a foot and split the ground apart
There is only one degree of certainty
You won't find me training using anything wit circuitry
Far as earth and outer space I done a courtesy
And cased the whole place just in case of emergency
Don't ask me why I'm actin rougher yo
I am not the one that killed the Buffalo
Based on only optics I could pop in and approximate a tub to soak
Based on only oxygen I'm known to blow a cloud of smoke
I just rode in town a couple hours ago
Not too many and already I done found the glow
Swam the fountain
Climbed the holy mountain
Spent the pot of gold
And would have kept it low key but the homey asked me how'd it go?

All day breakfast
All day breakfast
All day breakfast
All day breakfast
All day breakfast
All day breakfast
All day breakfast
All day breakfast
All day breakfast

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