Aesop Rock

Songtext Flamingo pink Aesop Rock


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Flamingo pink

The rope goes over the wall, for the controller born to hold a stethoscope to a vault, wooly willy, peel off in a barrel over the falls, and down river by the time they radio for the dogs, I crossed-heart, can't tell a bad day from a death wish, detour through the graveyard with a chef's kiss, they don't make a pill for that, it's too advanced, all you can do is lick your wounds, and whistle past the boogie mans, wicked forces in the wings descending on the simple things, like taffy at the boardwalk under ribbons of flamingo pink, which mutates into overcrowded plinko on a laser grid, havens turn dangerous, friendly faces, traitorous, ey, I'm never late, I'm never early, ever right when I'm meant to, to counteract the evil that men do, I'm a motherfucking gem in the refuse, even when the world's ending, what the F is your excuse? Don't get brave around the cave mouth, get chased, ain't no lollipop on the way out, I'm way out, the way of the walk is a different discipline, it's difficult, 10,000 hours get you to guinea pig, dirtbag daddy snatch a lackey off a chessboard, hack up any edge lord, plastic wrap death's door, 10-4, half-wit, I ain't your good buddy, I can however be bought with a blue slushie

Good god damn, good god damn, every idol I every met is a con man, good god, good god, good god damn, gotta hopscotch hot pan to hot pan

Good god,
Good god
Good god

I grew up over 7 plies of maple wood that chew up new terrain, you laughing because I'm different, I'm laughing cuz you the same, I been discovering a distant corner of the human brain, whose function is to see you rue the day that you rebuke the name, don't do it, social cues bouncing off his open wounds, folk are on some "oh hello", I'm on some hokus pokus poof, holy moly, motion blur from bloke to Canis Lupus by the 5th frame of the photo booth, show that to your focus group, you can not domesticate the modern vigilante, who increasingly identifies as energy expanding, my pat on the back is a little Edward Scissorshands-y, come and send it with the cleverest to never stick the landing, Tombraider, screw-face under the gauze, y'all should giddy up or get your city covered in salt, yea, I am dumb enough to run through a wall, build another one and run through it too, what is he on, electric green smoothies and bean water from Vietnam, orchids in the air and over 40 years of beat the clock, we will not be keeping calm, we will turn barbarians to Carrie at the senior prom, Meet us in the creeping fog, I know you weebles wobble, but never completely topple, even more reason for me to see you obscenely remodeled, Let's get your body walloped into Braque or P. Picasso, you ain't the person you let your believers think they follow

Good god damn, good god damn, every idol I every met is a con man, good god, good god, good god damn, gotta hopscotch hot pan to hot pan

Good god,
Good god,
Good god

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