Philthy Rich

Songtext The know Philthy Rich


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Der musikalische text THE KNOW von PHILTHY RICH ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Big 59 #2 (2019)

Big 59 #2


The know

Uh-huh, they know how we comin'
Y'all niggas know what the fuck goin', man
Uh, huh

They know how we comin', whole lot of drummin'
Whole lot of money, everybody thuggin'
They know how we comin' (Then how you comin', nigga?)
They know how we comin', uh (How you comin', nigga?)
If it's 'bout some money, only way we comin'
When I ain't have nothin', they treated me like nothin'
Know M's right around the corner, I can feel it coming
They can't take it from me, they know how we coming

Leaning like a six-four, money, gotta get more
They know how we comin' 'fore we get there
Nothin' but some hundreds over here, I ain't got shit to spare
Glass in my ear, solitaire, you ain't got not a pair
Loyalty is really rare, show me that you really care
Scope on that motherfucker, hit a nigga anywhere, uh
VV's on my hand and wrist, you know I planned this shit
Lot of drums like a motherfucking band in here
Walked in stiff, bitch, you know the man in here
Huh, man of the year
So much diamonds, way I'm shining, catch a tan over here
We ain't hidin', know we slidin', we ain't playin' over here, uh, uh

They know how we comin', whole lot of drummin'
Whole lot of money, everybody thuggin'
They know how we comin' (Then how you comin', nigga?)
They know how we comin', uh (How you comin', nigga?)
If it's 'bout some money, only way we comin'
When I ain't have nothin', they treated me like nothin'
Know M's right around the corner, I can feel it coming (Ayy, it's Philthy, nigga, uh-huh)
They can't take it from me, they know how we coming (Look)

They know how a nigga comin', Seminary up to Summer Hill (Seminary)
When I die, my kids get everything I left for them, my will
Make sure my bitch taken care of, but we ain't married (Uh-uh)
But she held a real nigga down so you can't compare her (Solid)
In this life of sin, that's all I need (That's all I need), drank and my weed
Eighty thousand for this bustdown Rollie on my sleeve (Bustdown)
I been sippin' all day, a nigga might just fall asleep (Syrup)
Tryna cope with the pain I been going through all week (It's Philthy)
Couple niggas in my hood, I guess they feel a certain way (Broke nigga)
Play with me on Monday, he'll be dead before it's Thursday (He will)
You the one who took the stand (Pussy), you lesser than a man (You is)
Me making it past 21 is something I didn't plan, it's Philthy

They know how we comin', whole lot of drummin'
Whole lot of money, everybody thuggin'
They know how we comin' (Then how you comin', nigga?)
They know how we comin', uh (How you comin', nigga?)
If it's 'bout some money, only way we comin'
When I ain't have nothin', they treated me like nothin'
Know M's right around the corner, I can feel it coming
They can't take it from me, they know how we coming

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