Philthy Rich

Songtext Death dreams Philthy Rich


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Der musikalische text DEATH DREAMS von PHILTHY RICH ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Big 59 #2 (2019)

Big 59 #2


Death dreams

Niggas using death as a, a fuckin' gimmick, you heard?
Until a nigga life really get ig'nant, (Droppin' bodies every week)
Fuck that (Told 'em when we creep)
Fuck that (Spiders with the rifles)

I saw my first murder and it took control of me
Now I'm having dreams of niggas standing over me
"Always keep it on you," what my uncle told to me
Clutch it when I go to sleep, got to keep it close to me, yeah, yeah
We send them bitches back to back, let 'em repeat
I swear that you can't take it back, ain't no receipt
Been taking Perkies back to back, got me sleepy
I won't let the enemy defeat me, no

Just hollered at your ex-partner, got the drop on where your mama stay
So it's a lot of gunfire, hollows out the K
Hope doctors can operate, pull them bitches out his face
Them purple babes coming home, wish I could ball 'em out today
'Cause that's gon' be a lot of niggas' nightmares
They 'bout shooting in the air, told them keep that over there
Lions, tigers, and bears, stepping on rats and snakes
Four nickel, lottery ticket, this bitch'll scratch your face off
Get hit with that lead and you get erased off Earth
I drop like three bands, that's what your whole clique worth
Gon' get you pussies zipped like a purse
Them bullets stab a nigga like a verse, lil' Luwhop

I saw my first murder and it took control of me
Now I'm having dreams of niggas standing over me
"Always keep it on you," what my uncle told to me
Clutch it when I go to sleep, got to keep it close to me, yeah, yeah
We send them bitches back to back, let 'em repeat
I swear that you can't take it back, ain't no receipt
Been taking Perkies back to back, got me sleepy (Uh-huh, ayy, it's Philthy, nigga)
I won't let the enemy defeat me, no (Look)

Prometh' nightmares (Syrup), thuggin' in my Nike Airs (I was)
Flashback my nigga losing his life and I was right there (I swear to God)
Rest in peace to Marley G (Marley G), rest in peace to Gee Money (Gee Money)
Rest in peace to Young Greatness, in the streets with no patience (It's Philthy)
Caught my first body, I was paranoid, I couldn't sleep for weeks (Is that right?)
Interrogations for hours, that homicide tryna question me (But I ain't say shit)
Behind Dre Feddi, see I was slidin' (Slidin'), nigga, day and night (Day and night)
My Baton Rouge nigga call it steppin', that mean it's on sight (Ayy TEC, what's happenin'?)
Seen my first murder and it took control of me
Bitch, my money right, I'm rich now, see I can afford to beef (It's Philthy, ho)
Go to war with anybody (Anybody), he ain't never caught a body (Never)
All he do is rap about it (Pussy), but we ain't never heard about it
It's Philthy

I saw my first murder and it took control of me
Now I'm having dreams of niggas standing over me
"Always keep it on you," what my uncle told to me
Clutch it when I go to sleep, got to keep it close to me, yeah, yeah
We send them bitches back to back, let 'em repeat
I swear that you can't take it back, ain't no receipt
Been taking Perkies back to back, got me sleepy
I won't let the enemy defeat me, no

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