Philthy Rich

Songtext Big phillipe Philthy Rich


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Der musikalische text BIG PHILLIPE von PHILTHY RICH ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Big 59 #2 (2019)

Big 59 #2


Big phillipe

Big Phillipe
Ayy, Big Phillipe
Ayy, it's Philthy, nigga
Feez, Feez
Funk or Die
Rest in peace Griselda Blanco
Rest in peace Pablo Escobar
Free El Chapo, nigga, uh-huh
Feez on these niggas with another one

A hundred keys like I'm Pablo (Big Phillipe)
I'll get you whacked like El Chapo (Big Phillipe)
My bottom bitch Griselda Blanco (Big Phillipe)
Don't make me pull up with my vatos (Ayy, Big Phillipe)
A hundred keys like I'm Pablo (Big Phillipe)
I'll get you whacked like El Chapo (Big Phillipe)
My bottom bitch Griselda Blanco (Big Phillipe)
Don't make me pull up with my vatos (Ayy, Big Phillipe)

Look, free El Chapo 'til El Chapo free (Free El Chapo)
Feelin' like I was him when I copped a key (I swear to God)
Man, I can't explain the feeling when I copped the B (Foreign)
Then I parked it in the hood for the block to see (It's Philthy)
Gucci poncho cost twelve hundred (Designer)
Blue red bottoms another twelve something (Chump change)
Broke niggas committing crimes with no bail money (Broke nigga)
He was never in the trap, ain't never sell nothin' (It's Philthy)
What's understood ain't gotta be explained (Uh-uh)
If the victim point his fingers, they don't need a name (Pussy)
Thirty pointers in these Cartis, I ain't seen a thing (Bustdown)
The plan was to get rich and get out the game (It's Philthy)

A hundred keys like I'm Pablo (Big Phillipe)
I'll get you whacked like El Chapo (Big Phillipe)
My bottom bitch Griselda Blanco (Big Phillipe)
Don't make me pull up with my vatos (Ayy, Big Phillipe)
A hundred keys like I'm Pablo (Big Phillipe)
I'll get you whacked like El Chapo (Big Phillipe)
My bottom bitch Griselda Blanco (Big Phillipe)
Don't make me pull up with my vatos (Ayy, Big Phillipe)

Look, rest in peace Pablo Escobar (Ayy, rest in peace)
Lettin' the dope lock up until it's extra hard (Skrrt, skrrt, skrrt)
These niggas tough on the 'net, acting extra hard (Pussy)
My shooters trail behind the foreign in the extra car (It's Philthy)
Freddie made a million dollars off Brother Bean (Chump change)
Shit, I made a million dollars in these Amiri jeans (Designer)
I been married to the game since I was 17 (I swear to God)
But I bust down my pinky, no wedding ring (Philthy)
Sexy twin sisters like Murillo (Like Murillo)
Two hour drive, baby, to Sacramento (Ayy, pull up)
Dope fiends stuffin' pipes with they Brillo (Is that right?)
Man, these niggas just talkin' to the pillow (It's Philthy)

A hundred keys like I'm Pablo (Big Phillipe)
I'll get you whacked like El Chapo (Big Phillipe)
My bottom bitch Griselda Blanco (Big Phillipe)
Don't make me pull up with my vatos (Ayy, Big Phillipe)
A hundred keys like I'm Pablo (Big Phillipe)
I'll get you whacked like El Chapo (Big Phillipe)
My bottom bitch Griselda Blanco (Big Phillipe)
Don't make me pull up with my vatos (Ayy, Big Phillipe)

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