Philthy Rich

Songtext My heart Philthy Rich


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Der musikalische text MY HEART von PHILTHY RICH ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Big 59 #2 (2019)

Big 59 #2


My heart

RJ always trippin', man
RJ always trippin'
You took my love and I'm willing
Ayy, it's Philthy, nigga
But there's no limit to the love I'm giving
Funk or die
Can I be real with y'all right quick?
The love I'm giving
Uh-huh, look

Blocked all my ex-bitches so they can't see me winning (Faggot)
Tint on the foreign so they can't see me in it (Foreign)
Wraith only worth one-fifty but I spent three hundred (That right?)
Benz only worth a hundred and I spent two hundred (It's Philthy)
Duckin' a fed case so I sold it all (I had to)
I'd rather get rid of all this shit before they take it all (Swear to God)
I can't keep taking losses, bitch, I fuck with bosses (Uh-uh)
Million dollar meetings at EMPIRE office (It's Philthy)
First rule of business, nigga, mind your own (Ayy, do that)
Forty thousand on a lawyer, I want my brother home (Free JBay)
If I wasn't in the field, then why my opps mad? (Suckers)
You ain't doing somethin' right if they is not mad (Philthy)
Fuck being the top nigga up in rap (Fuck it)
It can't compare to being a top nigga in the trap (Uh-uh)
And my mama just turned big 59 (Jesus)
In my hood, they call a nigga Big 59, it's Philthy

Something in my heart, something in my heart
Ooh, it's got me hooked on you
Something in my heart, something in my heart
Ooh, it's got me hooked on you
Ayy, it's Philthy, nigga, uh-huh, look

If I get knocked down, know it wasn't my opps (Uh-uh)
Most likely a hating ass nigga from my block (Hater)
If she fuck with me, she gotta have a CCW (Gotta)
It turn me on every time a nigga see the thug in you (It's Philthy)
Apple Music got me trendin' 'bout a diss song (Is that right?)
A lot of niggas I used to fuck with, now I disown (Suckers)
My ex-bitch went and fucked my brother (Faggot)
Don't give a fuck about that bitch, I love 'em like no other (Philthy)
Ling ling got a half a mil' in ice (Swear to God)
Put a half a mil' insurance policy on my life (Ayy, do that)
Niggas turned they backs on me, now they back on me (Pussy)
I don't fuck with niggas who snake or rat, homie (Philthy)
I gotta feed 'em with a long-handled spoon (I gotta)
Lights cut off in the house, candles in the room (Oh, I remember)
A P of Killzone'll run you 59 hundred (Gelato)
I smoke a blunt and think of Feddi, I'm sick to my stomach
It's Philthy

Something in my heart, something in my heart
Ooh, it's got me hooked on you
Something in my heart, something in my heart
Ooh, it's got me hooked on you

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