Lil Poppa

Songtext Murder victim (remix) Lil Poppa


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Murder victim (remix)


If you ain't the suspect, you the fuckin' murder victim
Heard the folks ain't came and got you yet because you workin' with 'em
What you expect from me like I'm some type of perfect nigga?
Bitch, I know the pain from Baby Tay 'cause I was hurtin' with him
We just got the rental tinted, we finna go lurkin' in it
Been in it for a minute, my nigga been swervin' in it
All the money came, fame came, ain't a damn thing changed
Catch a bullet for my main man 'cause he'll do the same thing

Feel like my luck all fucked up, trust all fucked up
Woke up next to a bad yellow bitch, she gettin' bust up
Everything custom, you ain't workin', you a customer
Almost fell in love with her, now I don't know what up with her
Now I don't even think 'bout cuffin' her, probaby let my brother fuck
Got it out the mud, this money came from out a double cup
You know twin got that chopper, double clip, and it's double tucked
So nigga, run up, get your ass flipped, then run off
My dawg trippin', I don't know if it's him or me, nigga, what the fuck?
My bitch trippin', she want time that I ain't got, it's just never enough
I got them hitters with me, say the wrong thing and we callin' your bluff
Coughin' up blood, he thought he was tough
If you ain't the suspect, you the fuckin' murder victim
Heard the folks ain't came and got you yet because you workin' with 'em
What you expect from me like I'm some type of perfect nigga?
Bitch, I know the pain from Baby Tay 'cause I was hurtin' with him
We just got the rental tinted, we finna go lurkin' in it
Been in it for a minute, my nigga been swervin' in it
All the money came, fame came, ain't a damn thing changed
Catch a bullet for my main man 'cause he'll do the same thing

Trapped in the rain (Trapped)
Middle of them wars, ridin' strapped in the Range (Range Rover)
Try to hold it in, but youngin snapped, all that pain (Youngin snapped)
Traffic late night, it was just me and Cap, 'cause he got aim
Bangin' was our lane
Slangin' was the game (Slang)
Changin', what's his name?
Can't sleep now, but you ain't even gon' remember you flamed him, that's a phase
Clutchin' that Glock, want blood each way you facin', that's the stage
Did all that, niggas still act like you ain't dangerous, that's a shame (Damn)
Risk your life, ain't never gon' hear no thank you, that's the game (Fuck it, though)
A hater and a friend that's always negative, that's the same (They both the same)
Cross your dawg just to impress them hoes, that was lame
You said you gon' stay the same, I said you'll never change (Nigga)

If you ain't the suspect, you the fuckin' murder victim
Heard the folks ain't came and got you yet because you workin' with 'em
What you expect from me like I'm some type of perfect nigga?
Bitch, I know the pain from Baby Tay 'cause I was hurtin' with him
We just got the rental tinted, we finna go lurkin' in it
Been in it for a minute, my nigga been swervin' in it
All the money came, fame came, ain't a damn thing changed
Catch a bullet for my main man 'cause he'll do the same thing

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