Lil Poppa

Songtext Been thru Lil Poppa


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Been thru

KimJ with the heat
J West Beats
I ain't the bad guy
Everybody just tellin' me you gotta blame them people
You gotta be able to peep the fake smiles and handshakes
'Cause that first time you show 'em you trust 'em, they take advantage

I got issues
If nobody 'round me, who I'm 'posed to vent to?
I'm losing all my loved ones, I miss you
Make it a letter for my niggas in the pen' too (Locked up)
And I hope you got that lil' money that I sent you
We had it hard, make it happen when the rent due
Forever scarred, these drugs fuckin' up my mental
Go all around the world for you, baby, if it's meant to
I ain't just rappin', rather talk about some shit that I done been through

Yeah, I sin, but I repent too
Move like the wind do
Send them vultures through your whole crew
Niggas get put in coffins when they mouthin' like them hoes do
And we ain't with the talking, we tryna pull up and show you
And I know when the fame come, everybody gon' be actin' like they know you
All for some money, you ain't keep shit a hundred like you was 'posed to
Thought I could trust you, that's why I showed you half the shit I showed you
I'm the nigga you're close to, too real to expose you
Got me feeling like what I do to myself? Been actin' new with myself
Not staying true to myself, feel like I'm losing myself
I'm taking meds, whole time I'm abusing myself
Lil' givin' ass nigga, only using myself

I got issues
If nobody 'round me, who I'm 'posed to vent to?
I'm losing all my loved ones, I miss you
Make it a letter for my niggas in the pen' too (Locked up)
And I hope you got that lil' money that I sent you
We had it hard, make it happen when the rent due
Forever scarred, these drugs fuckin' up my mental
Go all around the world for you, baby, if it's meant to
I ain't just rappin', rather talk about some shit that I done been through

These days, gotta watch the ones that you callin' your family
It be the ones you call your dawgs don't wanna see you win Grammys
I told Luwhop fuckin' with bottle, hate the wet panoramics
Two different cups, two different drugs, I'm on this codeine and Xanax
Lu'll whip that Glock out for Lil Sosa like they don't understand him
I want to sip the purple potion, I'm the grandson of granny
I left my feelings in the ocean on South Beach in Miami
Fast forward my life, but in slow motion, life been goin' how I planned it
But, nigga, I'ma shoot for myself
Won't help me count it, but you wanna spend these blues with myself
Climbing the highest mountain, I ain't have no shoes for myself
My youngins, they wear blue when they step

I got issues
If nobody 'round me, who I'm 'posed to vent to?
I'm losing all my loved ones, I miss you
Make it a letter for my niggas in the pen' too (Locked up)
And I hope you got that lil' money that I sent you
We had it hard, make it happen when the rent due
Forever scarred, these drugs fuckin' up my mental
Go all around the world for you, baby, if it's meant to
I ain't just rappin', rather talk about some shit that I done been through

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