Lil Poppa

Songtext Man of the year Lil Poppa


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Man of the year

Hype beast
Ayy Swagg, where the bass at?

I look mama in the eyes, say I'm the man now
I'm the man now, mama, I got fans now, mama
Did it on my own, I ain't looking for no handout, mama
They all ask me for favors but I done ran out, mama
I just lay low and count commas, I ain't focused on drama
They protect me like Obama, well, we got guns like Osama
Lil ho trippin', snapping on me, I won't pay for her frontal
She must think a nigga broke like we don't get it in bundles
They keep putting me under, fuck the world with a condom
I won't speak to your honor, that shit ain't helping my problems
Pride too big to swallow, they ran when times got harder
You ran when times got harder, so, bitch, don't ask for a dollar

No, they can't stand over here
We got them bands over here
Your bitch a fan, she wanna dance over here
Ayy, stop playin' like I ain't the man of the year, ayy
Man of the year, I'm the man of the year
Them niggas can't stand over here, ayy
Pull out them racks, them hoes ran over here, ayy
We got them sticks, yeah, we ain't playin' over here
These niggas know that I'm the man of the year, I'm the man of the year

Ayy, I'm a big dripper, bag getter, big spender
Way more than your last nigga
I ain't never been an ass kisser, might bag nigga
And ever since I got the bag, I'm tryna make the bag bigger
They hate on me but it don't phase me, baby, I'm amazing, baby
The streets made me, baby, and ran me crazy
And I can't be saved so don't save me
Smoke the flowers, yeah that danger
My big brother, that's who raised me
Throw bullets, Tom Brady
I been the shit since Myspace, they think I'm Tom, nigga
And I know they want my place, 'cause I'm a young nigga
Ain't 'bout havin' fun, nigga, I'm 'bout having funds, nigga
We got plenty drums, nigga, ain't no one on ones, nigga

No, they can't stand over here
We got them bands over here
Your bitch a fan, she wanna dance over here
Ayy, stop playin' like I ain't the man of the year, ayy
Man of the year, I'm the man of the year
Them niggas can't stand over here, ayy
Pull out them racks, them hoes ran over here, ayy
We got them sticks, yeah, we ain't playin' over here
These niggas know that I'm the man of the year, I'm the man of the year

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