Lil Poppa

Songtext 5am in miami Lil Poppa


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5am in miami

You know, I just had a dream, it's—
It's 5A
M in Miami, we in the Doubletree parking lot, it's just—
It's me and my niggas, we just vibin', we just, you know

Nightmares of demons, fightin' for my last breath
And it's so fucked up, I'm the last real nigga left
And it's more fucked up, ain't got nobody but myself
When I stayed, you niggas left, when I was up, you niggas slumped
And you know how many secrets I done kept? How many people I done helped?
They know I ain't the type to speak about what I did for someone else
Bitch, I want Grammys on the shelf and I ain't stoppin' 'til they there
Five in the mornin' in Miami, me and my niggas, nobody else

And I ain't tryna show my dark side, 'cause my dark side somethin' else
And I ain't really with the dissin', 'cause that dissin' shit get you killed
That shit they talk about, I ain't fuckin' with it, I don't listen to it, I can't hear
And if you fuck around with them fuck-arounds, then you fuck around and get flipped
You better not come around on my side of town, it's a hundred round in each clip
I been on weed and irky ills, don't drink no liquor, I don't sip
Sure to get like Steve Urkel, I know her knees hurtin'
I feel like I need her, she feel like she need a Birkin
Lately I been thinkin' ownership, shit, I need my people workin'
But you know we ain't gon' be the street and all of her kids are certain'Cause all of her kids deserve shit, all of her kids were hurtin'
And that why I go hard and put my heart in each and every verse
Do this shit for the squad, hoppin' in cars, puttin' in legwork
And I was gone on tour for two months straight, bitch, my head hurt
Got home, hopped in my bed, some shit I held in I shoulda said first
Born cursed, you can ask every doctor and every nurse

Nightmares of demons, fightin' for my last breath
And it's so fucked up, I'm the last real nigga left
And it's more fucked up, ain't got nobody but myself
When I stayed, you niggas left, when I was up, you niggas slumped
And you know how many secrets I done kept? How many people I done helped?
They know I ain't the type to speak about what I did for someone else
Bitch, I want Grammys on the shelf and I ain't stoppin' 'til they there
Five in the mornin' in Miami, me and my niggas, nobody else

And we been goin' for about a week, shit, we ain't sleepin', we just gettin' it
Ayy, grab that ho, I know she freaky, told her eat, bro, you know she eat it
Oh, you gon' make me wait for it? Bitch, why you lyin'? I know you eat
Oh, you want me to pay for it? You out your mind, go, get to leavin'
Finally on the block with some demons and dope fiends, they all fiendin'
Just don't tell nobody if you see me
And I don't know what's up, don't wake me up, feel like I'm dreamin'
Told her I'll never leave, say a lot of shit I don't be meanin'
But you know after the rain go, then there go the rainbow
I just rolled me a fat one and let all the pain go
All my niggas bad one, this shit ain't the same, though
How the hell are you havin' fun without havin' the pain show?
You know they only love you when it's beneficial
They only wanna see you livin' when they livin' with you
They might go and report your page you crop 'em out the picture
Think about my angels every day, it's hard not to miss 'em

Nightmares of demons, fightin' for my last breath
And it's so fucked up, I'm the last real nigga left
And it's more fucked up, ain't got nobody but myself
When I stayed, you niggas left, when I was up, you niggas slumped
And you know how many secrets I done kept? How many people I done helped?
They know I ain't the type to speak about what I did for someone else
Bitch, I want Grammys on the shelf and I ain't stoppin' 'til they there
Five in the mornin' in Miami, me and my niggas, nobody else

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