
Songtext Young kobe Tyga


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Young kobe

Ahww, T-Raww, Young Kobe
I'm 24 nigga, Young Kobe
On 24's, that's Young Kobe
I'm king in LA, Young Kobe
Got white bitches like Young Kobe
Got spanish bitches, he a Young Kobe
My purp yellow, nigga Young Kobe
24 mil, niggas want know

T-Raw, Young Kobe
No assist, make the city holy
Put you on blast, these bitches love me
Bobby V and you Mr. Lonely
Choppa mack til you macaroni
Got that mack game, gotta admire homie
You past the hole, bitch you a bogie
Pussy feel good, Tony Toni
Hoes sued me, you be last in line
She in home movies, fuckin' half the time
Killa face, hundred thousand, she be straight, 3-45
I'm never late on CP time
I got the balling tech and I'm pressed for time
I might pop up on you, at your 9 to 5
Give you hard 9 and make you quit yo job like

Who that? Who that? Who that nigga?
In a blue cap, Maybach, blueray coupe back
Tell me where they do that, shoot that, shoot back
Like where the loot at? Nigga that's who that
Only 24, I got my mind made up
Tonight's the night, I'm letting niggas know wussup

Ahww, T-Raww, Young Kobe
I'm 24 nigga, Young Kobe
On 24's, that's Young Kobe
I'm king in LA, Young Kobe
Got white bitches like Young Kobe
Got spanish bitches, he a Young Kobe
My purp yellow, nigga Young Kobe
24 mil, niggas want know
Ahww, T-Raww, Young Kobe
I'm 24 nigga, Young Kobe
On 24's, that's Young Kobe
I'm king in LA, Young Kobe
Got white bitches like Young Kobe
Got spanish bitches, he a Young Kobe
My purp yellow, nigga Young Kobe
24 mil, niggas want know

Nigga you don't know shit
From a can of paint, what a nigga thank, put LK on a blank
Now a nigga think he me
Nah, that's some king shit
Pyramids and homicide descriptions, all hail this 20 vision
Sip on the selections, get embodied by my spirit, get money on templates, I'm lifted
Sick with it, dog on my own
Fuck it, I'm tryna bone, knockin at my front door
Leave me the fuck alone, I'm blowin home grown
It's big money on my phone
Cellular, selling dreams for a prettier
Bad bitch to me, fuck you if you ain't feelin' her
I'm with her, I see another one I forget her
I make moves you gotta remember
Dude you move like a beginner

Who that? Who that? Who that nigga?
In a blue cap, Maybach, blueray coupe back
Tell me where they do that, shoot that, shoot back
Like where the loot at? Nigga that's who that
Only 24, I got my mind made up
Tonight's the night, I'm letting niggas know wussup

Ahww, T-Raww, Young Kobe
I'm 24 nigga, Young Kobe
On 24's, that's Young Kobe
I'm king in LA, Young Kobe
Got white bitches like Young Kobe
Got spanish bitches, he a Young Kobe
My purp yellow, nigga Young Kobe
24 mil, niggas want know
Ahww, T-Raww, Young Kobe
I'm 24 nigga, Young Kobe
On 24's, that's Young Kobe
I'm king in LA, Young Kobe
Got white bitches like Young Kobe
Got spanish bitches, he a Young Kobe
My purp yellow, nigga Young Kobe
24 mil, niggas want know

Nigga you don't know shit
From a killing pain, with a nigga thing, put LK on a blank
Now a nigga think he me
Nigga you don't know shit
Pyramids and homicide descriptions, all hail this 20 vision
Sip on the selections, get embodied by my spirit, get money on templates, I'm lifted

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