
Songtext Throw it up Tyga


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Throw it up

Got 100 bottles on ice
I got all my bitches in the club tonight aye
And came here with me tonight
If it's a one many something all my niggas gon ride it

Throw it up (Throw it up)
Throw it up (Throw it up)
Got my whole hood with me and we trippin
We about to throw it up (Throw it up)
Throw it up (Throw it up)
Got all my bitches in the VIP
Throw it up

She brought one wild nigga
I can't fuck with no pussy ass niggas
Could've been a pimp, my fuckin gorilla
Catch a nigga slippin but they don't want a biscuit yea
You know you niggas hate too much
If it ain't about money we don't give a fuck
If it is about money I'mma need to loan some
All I have three-some fore that bitch come get some
Don't trip, pistol on the hip
I'm on some J shit, don't make a G trip
I'mma head this bitch out if a nigga runnin deep
Nigga don't get killed off in this bitch ah
Straight bangers straight banging
Shout out to my 50 niggas straight banging
Everybody getting money then just hanging
And I'm leaving with my girls that I came with

Got 100 bottles on ice
I got all my bitches in the club tonight aye
And came here with me tonight
If it's a one many something all my niggas gon ride it

Throw it up (Throw it up)
Throw it up (Throw it up)
Got my whole hood with me and we trippin
We about to throw it up (Throw it up)
Throw it up (Throw it up)
Got all my bitches in the VIP
Throw it up

I'm with a dyke bitch switching lanes
I don't even know her first name, last name
Raised in the era of the dope king
We vibe pump pump, pumpin nigga brakes
And my daddy had a Cadillac
And now his son got a Maybach
When niggas feeling where the ballers at I be like right here
She gon give me head for a LK hat yea
So sick man, I'm fully trippin
I put my dick in a young vixen and dismiss em
A one hitter, a king Griffy, a Scottie Pippen
And pass em off to the next victim
A nigga reptile like rep gank
Believe or not you niggas Ripley
You niggas too J Qwan tipsies
Til that cannon let loose if you let be motherfucker

Got 100 bottles on ice
I got all my bitches in the club tonight aye
And came here with me tonight
If it's a one many something all my niggas gon ride it

(Hook x2)
Throw it up (Throw it up)
Throw it up (Throw it up)
Got my whole hood with me and we trippin
We about to throw it up (Throw it up)
Throw it up (Throw it up)
Got all my bitches in the VIP
Throw it up

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