
Songtext Wake up in it Tyga


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Wake up in it

So what's it gonna be now?
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
So don't fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
Fall asleep, fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
Fall asleep, fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it

All I do is get get money
All I'm tryna do is get get get money
Tryna fall asleep, too much Henny and Patron
But can I hit it in the morning?

I'm two Maybachs in it, you are looking at a meal ticket
Raw in the kitchen, make T-Raw for a living
She said I'm too good? That's just how I'm living
Bitch can't get her, flat rate, for a hook-up
Same price as a hooker
Wiz Khalifa ?
Ride the pussy, Gino Smith
I'm no rookie, don't push me
Push a Mally French, that's king shit
Rare that you see this, Pyramids of Giza
Black Air Max no visa
I rain on that bitch like sprinklers
Top back, it's winner season
D. Rose in the Rolls Royce
I am these ho's number one choice
I hit the club, bitches get moist
You hit the club, no noise

So what's it gonna be now?
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
So don't fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
Fall asleep, fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
Fall asleep, fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it

All I do is get get money
All I'm tryna do is get get get money
Tryna fall asleep, too much Henny and Patron
But can I hit it in the morning?

But she want a dude like me
After the club, but you can't go to sleep, go now
Girl, I can see it in your eyes
You ain't never take a trip overseas
I wanna wake up in it, baby let's go
So no time for sleeping, yeah you know, girl yeah you know

I hit it like it's business
You can call your friend, be a witness
Murder that, no feelings
I go to sleep, and wake up in it
Get get it if I want it
Roll up in it, two M's on it
Push up on it, I put Pusha on it
Go to sleep in it, then I hit it in the morning

So what's it gonna be now?
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
So don't fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
Fall asleep, fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
Fall asleep, fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it

All I do is get get money
All I'm tryna do is get get get money
Tryna fall asleep, too much Henny and Patron
But can I hit it in the morning?

Can I hit it in the morning?
With two in the bed like B.I.G. Had a warnin'
After the club, you know who she calling
'Cause up in the club, you know he was balling
Yeah king push on his king pin
King stunna, last kings, king 'em
(Crown), Rolex on every wrist
Crew full of money, drop checks on every bitch
Yeah I'm tryna wake up with it
Soon as I roll over, wake up, hit it
Backs to the corner as I rake up digits
Time is money, you know you can't make up minutes
So what's it gonna be? I'm dropping or you dropping
My top or your top, two options
Don't fall asleep and miss the benefits of shot caller
King push

So what's it gonna be now?
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
So don't fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
Fall asleep, fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
Fall asleep, fall asleep now
Girl I'm tryna wake up in it
Get it, get it, huh

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