
Songtext Wussup Bbno$


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I cut the roof off that bitch
Yeah I pulled up in the driveway
Five days I ain't nut
I'm dying to see that heiny
She sent me booty pics
A winky and a smiley
Before you know it
The convo got ridiculously spicy
Hey wifey
I don't need to site see
Honey you the apple to my eye
And a cherry with some ice cream
(Boys I'm smooth)
It was six past six and she said she needs a fix
I'm the man to give you dick

Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
You can call me anytime
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
You can call me anytime, wussup?

I'm like ooh, baby
How I'm in your mamas ear
And I'm moaning crystal clear
Backshots like boom baby
Super saiyan from the rear
Booty got me sheddin' tears
Ay, I live that mack life
3 milfs coming thru wit' an appetite
They revolvin' round my dick like a satellite
The return of the mack
That's exactly right

Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
You can call me anytime
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
You can call me anytime, wussup?

Shorty came up to me she said
"Gravy you should hit this"
Damn girl you got me down with the thickness
Hit my crib baby we can get explicit
She want the gravy train
"Let me get some tickets"

You can use me like a condiment
My shit is small but I make up for it in confidence
All I need is you
No consonants
Gravy down to three girls
Yeah he finally monogamous

Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
You can call me anytime
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
You can call me anytime, wussup?
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
You can call me anytime
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
Wussup? (Wussup)
You can call me anytime, wussup?

What you do with all that ass girl?
What you do with all that ass girl?
What you do with all that ass girl?
What you do with all that ass girl?

What you do with all that ass girl?
What you do with all that ass girl?
What you do with all that ass girl?
All that ass baby
All that fuckin' ass girl

It's baby no money
Yung Gravy
Wussup bitch
Here's my number
604-266-suck this dick

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