
Songtext Big boss baby Bbno$


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Big boss baby

Well, I'ma do me, screw a manager's fee
I'm the big boss baby on the block
So you better you know this my street (Woah)
You can take the backseat
Good with them dollars, I'm a mathlete
Who there at the top? Yeah, it's me, hello
Only kiss a bih' when she thick, Jello
Only making hits, got gas, Esso
Sussy boy sound like me, that's an echo

Hmm? Where's the cash flow, ooh, I'm a natural
Green with the cheese, it's a casserole
I ain't mad though (True), I ain't shallow (Haha)
I like a thottie who can swallow (Sorry mom, my bad)
Making tracks, adding spice like it's cardamon (Mmm)
Got a skill getting coochie, I'm artisan (Skrrt)
Talking cheese, you a cheddar, I'm a parmesan (Parmesan?)
Well, I don't give a fuck, yeah you know that I don't
Yeah, heard you tryna call me? Wait, which phone?
If you hate that I'm balling, well, you can have a loan
And you are the type of guy that throws an ice cream cone
You lil' punk ass bitch, who the hell does that?
Not me, yeah, that's for sure
If the money be a lady, I'm a bachelor
I got my money long and now I need it angular

Well, I'ma do me, screw a manager's fee
I'm the big boss baby on the block
So you better you know this my street (Woah)
You can take the backseat
Good with them dollars, I'm a mathlete
Who there at the top? Yeah, it's me, hello
Only kiss a bih' when she thick, Jello
Only making hits, got gas, Esso
Sussy boy sound like me, that's an echo

Tryna break, break the bread
Got the yeast got the drip, got the heat, yeah I'm next
I gotta make, make it stretch
Yeah, I only throw it down if it's safe to bet
I put ten here, ten there, ten everywhere
In my pink puffed-up XL Moncler
And I've been there, done that, seen this, seamless
I got wet hair and I do not care, yeah
Even when it's cold, yeah, this baby's wearing ice
Even when it's cold as shit, my pants are tight
Your songs sound shitty, can you get 'em out of sight?
I'm a nice mama boy, don't pick no fights (Nah)
Wow, chill out, it's a baby, I blow out
Hit a home run, first swing, at the try out
Woo, girl, wait, I gotta pull out
This baby couldn't hold out, always use condoms

Well, I'ma do me, screw a manager's fee
I'm the big boss baby on the block
So you better you know this my street (Woah)
You can take the backseat
Good with them dollars, I'm a mathlete
Who there at the top? Yeah, it's me, hello
Only kiss a bih' when she thick, Jello
Only making hits, got gas, Esso
Sussy boy sound like me, that's an echo

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