
Songtext Edamame Bbno$


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Balls hanging low while I pop a bottle off a yacht
Chain swanging, cling-clang and it cost a lot
Bitch, I'm always after guala, yeah, and you are not
Bad-ass B, keep on going 'til you hit the spot
Woah, I'm a big bag hunter with the bow
She got a big bad dumper, drop it low
Mama called me and she happy with the growth
Never ever fold for a thottie, that's an oath (Yeah, ayy)

Just popped her kidney, I bought a million
Options of the stock and I stopped doin' the green
Man, I rock arenas, bringin' the peace, I'm bumpin' that Pac
In the car, pretendin' I got all the eyes on me
Got a bad baby and she's independent
So many people older than me that's seekin' attention
When they warned me 'bout the goofies, man, I shoulda listened
And the smell of the money my strangest addiction, uh
She tip for dick, I let her lick
I had to dip, I'm off a fifth, am I rich now?
I bought a whip, I paint it pink
It drive itself, the fuck you think? Yeah, I'm rich now

Ayy, lil' mama, yeah, you heard about me
I'ma pop you like a pea, yeah, edamame
Yeah, feel so hot like I'm chillin' on the beach
Yeah, baby in the sun like the Teletubbies (Woo)

Balls hanging low while I pop a bottle off a yacht
Chain swanging, cling-clang and it cost a lot
Bitch, I'm always after guala, yeah, and you are not
Bad-ass B, keep on going 'til you hit the spot
Woah, I'm a big bag hunter with the bow
She got a big bad dumper, drop it low
Mama called me and she happy with the growth
Never ever fold for a thottie, that's an oath

I've been in the club and takin' shots
If you got your mask off in the photo, you getting cropped
Hoppin' out the function, the CVS is like a block away
Bought a moisturizer, my ice cold, it's drying my face
Don't need that VVS, my ice is fake, your life is fake
I choose to do it for my pocket's sake
You basing your opinions on what the major says
I renovate, the bad energy I erase, uh
Yeah, I don't ever really wanna talk, talk, talk, talk
Only really ever want the top, top, top, top
Guess I'm goin' back to the sock, sock, sock, sock
Least this money never really stop, stop, stop, stop

Ayy, lil' mama, yeah, you heard about me
I'ma pop you like a pea, yeah, edamame
Yeah, feel so hot like I'm chillin' on the beach
Yeah, baby in the sun like the Teletubbies (Woo)

Balls hanging low while I pop a bottle off a yacht
Chain swanging, cling-clang and it cost a lot
Bitch, I'm always after guala, yeah, and you are not
Bad-ass B, keep on going 'til you hit the spot
Woah, I'm a big bag hunter with the bow
She got a big bad dumper, drop it low
Mama called me and she happy with the growth
Never ever fold for a thottie, that's an oath

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