Ill Bill

Songtext What's wrong? Ill Bill


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What's wrong?

[Chorus x2]
What's Wrong With Bill - Inspired by swords that kill
Coldhearted, how can a person be taught to feel?
Thoughts concealed by shield of alcohol and pills

[Verse 1]
God is an atheist, why should I believe in religion?
I'd rather get my dick sucked and cook K's in the kitchen
Driveby, leave you on your block bleedin' and twichin'
Break bread with demons and witches, I'm evil and twisted
Half of us in jail, the other half in Beemers and Sixers
CEO's wondering who let these creeps in the business
Creep with the biscuit, I'm peril when the fiends are vendicted
Lights the American Nightmare - the trees of the wicked
We cry blood, sniff cocaine and die young
Time's up, caught up in the blowjobs and mindfucks
The metal that killed my enemys, occupy guns
Say goodbye cause you only die once
My minds grotesque and so ugly, so focused, so hungry
Trust me, young Gene Simmons, get in between womans
Ill BIll - solo album, how we gon' take it?
Leave you ducktaped and stuck in the Matrix

[Chorus x2]
Tell me where the fuck I went wrong
Took the wrong turn, wrong path
What's Wrong With Bill - Inspired by swords that kill
Coldhearted, how can a person be taught to feel?
Thoughts concealed by shield of alcohol and pills

[Verse 2]
Two women love me, one gave birth to me, nurturing
The other one don't understand me
Sometimes you wanna murder me, sometimes you wanna marry me
I paid my insanity gravely, it crowd me
I think that I'm about to go AWOL, lose my shit
As reality slips away I'm startin to loose my grip
No smile is genuine or real
I find myself loosing faith in every thing and every person that I hold dear
I'm in a bad place, so who do I trust?
I don't trust myself, how the fuck I'm gonna trust you?
If I don't love myself how the fuck I'm gonna love you?
I made this album to reveale my inner thoughts and discuss truth
What it's like, me without death
Would you appreciate the sunlight without the darkness?
But I appreciate my grandmother raising me cause she'd never pass away
So many things I never had a chanse to say when she was here
I see you when I get there
I hope that there's a heaven even though I know I'll prolly burn in hell
- I lived it, it couldn't get much worse I guess
Suicidal thoughts, I think that I've become obsessed with death
And I know it's fucked up, but yo I'm trying hard so get the fuck out o'my face
I'll work it out myself, it's my problem, I'll solve it
Picking up the pieces of a life shattered
I never knew my life mattered

[Chorus x2]
Tell me where the fuck I went wrong
Took the wrong turn, wrong path
What's Wrong With Bill - Inspired by swords that kill
Coldhearted, how can a person be taught to feel?
Thoughts concealed by shield of alcohol and pills

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