Ill Bill

Songtext Anatomy of a school shooting Ill Bill


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Anatomy of a school shooting

[Verse 1]
The anatomy of a school shooting, shotgun under my trenchcoat
Columbiners did it, dead spoke - bloodred soaked
My mind consume the doom as I walk through the school
15 people killed and over 14 wounded
My name is Eric Harris, I was forever harrased, an outcast
You fuck with us and now me and Dylan is pulling out gats
I've been wantin to murder people
Suicide is played out, if you gonna die, take people with you
We've been planning this before the kids from Jonesboro did it
And I wanted the world to know when people died why we did it
I even killed myself but don't feel sorry for me
Feel sorry for your seads as we spread the diesease
Another bloodbath coming soon to a school near you
Smalltown killing-spree that's organized by the youth
Fuck the media, them fags be disguising the truth
Dragging my name through the mud when televizing the news
A bunch of ticking timebombs y'all, is more like me
Overflowin with hate, bullied to get raw like me
They constantly get picked on and shitted on like me
You'd probably get your head blown off by a kid like me
I put my mind to it and what I accomplish's frightening
The right thing, no matter what you idiots might think
Check it, I did that shit so idiots might think
This ain't a game, the nerds that you be fuckin with might flip

[Chorus: x2]
It's like this, what's more fun than slice wrist?
Kill that teacher that you hate, spray 25 kids
You'd be famous just like me if you did what I did
This is the anatomy of a school shooting

[Verse 2]
I see dead people, it isn't my fault that they were evil
Fuck a favorite I hate everybody equal
Bitch I warned y'all, didn't I?
Now everybody wanna talk shit and cry asking why
- Two geeks picked up guns and turned murderous
All of y'all under beneath me you don't deserve to live
Two nerdy kids is that a crime?
why I've gotta be one of the cool kids just to walk by
- without being tripped, thrown down on the ground and kicked
Insulting me for no reason, I was treated like shit
The teachers let it happen
I've even seen some of them teachers laughing
That's why I had a smile on my face when I started blastin
I wasn't crazy - all of y'all were sick
I was the nicest person in the world - y'all were dicks
Don't even try to analyze me now you have no chance, back then
- maybe you could've been my friend


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