Ill Bill

Songtext Chasing the dragon Ill Bill


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Chasing the dragon

[Ill Bill]
Stronger than morphine
Crazier than crack cocaine
Heavier than heroine
Dancing in your veins
Chasing the dragons
Dancing on your grave
Lace you with bangers
Necro and Ill motherfuckin' Bill
Lace you with madness (x2)

The satanaic fistop rap
Aristocrat of butchery malevolent monarch of murder, just kickin' back
Lounging the four pound packing scoundrel
Gore hound clapping your counsel
Wrapping you up, surround your grill
With bandages strapping you up, tie you up, deny you of freedom
I'ma find you with creations
The majestic dressed sick black gear baggy
Pessimistic blessed it react with fear when you see the maggie
Brutality Part One: Mentality Arsenic
Lyrical sarcophagus like Metallica with CliffBlack masses uses for acid casket
Back draft flame rap hit the crack pipe glass blast it
An alien from another dimension
Experiencing tension with very serious blood drenching henchman
Mysterious, mystical, magical, miraculous
Some furious typical animals attack you for your shit

[Ill Bill]
Stronger than morphine
Crazier than crack cocaine
Heavier than heroine
Dancing in your veins
Chasing the dragons
Dancing on your grave
Lace you with bangers
Necro and Ill motherfuckin' Bill
Lace you with madness (x2)

[Ill Bill]
A murderous brain
The mind of a surgeon turned insane
We spooked out like vultures and birds of prey
Burn your veins like heroine, my words are grey
They call me Ill 'cause I'm sicker than the germs in AIDS
Young Vader, if my gun ain't in your mouth, keep it shut, hater
Take it down a notch, homie, be a thug later
Not here, take it elsewhere
They'll find your legs, then your arms, then your mother, find your head next year
A masterpiece cop, killa blast police
Laughing at the NYPD catastrophe
Lift you off your fucking feet like a tractor beam
I'm selling rap to teens like crack to fiends
Only after you lose everything is when you're free to do anything that you want and I'ma take it in blod
I'll feed you a feast of middle fingers and Fuck You's
Fuck off, faggot, put my foot in your face follow through

[Ill Bill]
Stronger than morphine
Crazier than crack cocaine
Heavier than heroine
Dancing in your veins
Chasing the dragons
Dancing on your grave
Lace you with bangers
Necro and Ill motherfuckin' Bill
Lace you with madness (x2)

You'll catch a belligerent bludgeoning
By the metaphysical technician of execution, we'll cut your spleen
Surgically cutting your brain purposelly
Nervously lobotomy fuckin' insane circuitry
Hip hop autopsy, rap cadaverous the maverick
Of gun poppin, I'm on a not having a kick
Entrepreneur gore rep it, tepid like a septic
Schizo, I'm a sicko technically prospected

[Ill Bill]
Tried hard trying blow up in the NYC
I won't stop until Jordan's rockin' Ill Bills on his feet
The first fifteen minutes of saving Private Ryan
Hell fire island run up on you shooting and start a riot
I'm like John Lesley in his prime, emptying mines
Felony crimes are designed by the deadliest minds
Powerful weapon, my words are sharp to leave audiences of thousands headless
Murder from mouth to mouth to legends

[Ill Bill]
Stronger than morphine
Crazier than crack cocaine
Heavier than heroine
Dancing in your veins
Chasing the dragons
Dancing on your grave
Lace you with bangers
Necro and Ill motherfuckin' Bill
Lace you with madness (x2)

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