Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext Wack m.C.'s Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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Wack m.C.'s

You WACK M.C.'s!
This a dedication to you WACK M.C.'s
This is a dedication to you WACK M.C.'s
And you're history.. huh..
You WACK M.C.'s!
This a dedication to you WACK M.C.'s
This is a dedication to you WACK M.C.'s
And you're history
What a jerk! You need to find rhymes that'll work
You need to desert the rhymin field
You're a nerd, your rhymin yields and stops
My rhymin shield deflects your puny rhymes
They're 'spect so do decline - any challenge
Forfeit because your shit's - unbearable terrible
Sounds like you're sharin flows with Treach
Let's come to grips youse a drip
Arrogant son of a bitch none of us is rich
This is my stitch in time, enrichin minds
And twistin backs witcha simplistic raps
I let a little bit of my lyrics leak and lather
At my mouth like a mad dog
And seek and gather your neck and bite
I just dissect the mic
And correct the tykes so don't be sassy
You won't be lasting, chastising that's why things
Swing in my favor - watch your behavior!
I can not stand no WACK M.C.
So step back if you please
And don't test me, you're history
I can not stand no WACK M.C.
So step back if you please
And don't test me, you're history
"Wack emcees - your time is up!
How many punks must I kill.. kill?" (repeat 4X)
I can not stand no WACK M.C.
So step back if you please
And don't test me, you're history
I can not stand no WACK M.C.
So step back if you please
And don't test me, you're history
You're jealous overzealous, Del is spectacular
In fact you are wack and far beyond dope be gone - nope!
You gets no respect, I pose a threat
Cause you're wack and weak, in fact you tried to freak
Groovy, it was used before
You need to choose a more appealing sample
I seal and stamp fools like mail, you're quite stale
You might fail and I know you're paranoid
Beware, avoid Funky Homosapien, monkeys I will make of men
Take 'em into custody your style is rus-ty!
Plus we, hate R and B, cause that shit is sorry
That shit's for saps, just admit your raps
Don't cut the mustard, don't get flustered
Cause ya, skill is null and void
And your skull is void empty
Senseless defenseless I rinse this
Plague away with typhoons and you die soon
Why swoon when you hear a ballad, is what I tell a broad
Cause L a fraud, he ain't hella hard
I used to look up, now I wanna cook up
Your brain like bass and maintain ya space
I can not stand no WACK M.C.
So step back if you please
And don't test me, you're history
I can not stand no WACK M.C.
So step back if you please
And don't test me, you're history
"Wack emcees - your time is up!
How many punks must I kill.. kill?" (repeat 4X)
"Wack emcees - your time is up!"
Lord Finesse
"Wack emcees - your time is up!"
Lord Finesse
"Wack emcees - your time is up!"
Lord Finesse
"Wack emcees - your time is up!"
How many punks must I kill.. kill?" (repeat 3X to fade)

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