Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext Miles to go Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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Miles to go

This is the intro
I dent foes
And bend them and upchuck
Send ya outta luck phukk
That shit is nasty
I blast the mc's who try to sneak past me
I'm dastardly
I scare 'em
Dare 'em to maneuver
I'm smoother
I will prove to all your boys that I do the
Psychotic plot if it's necessary
Yes it's very down pat
Now I'm tellin' brothers brown black lighter
Fight for ya righta
I incite riots if they try that shit that happen in the 60's
I ain'ts the whimpee
I simply flip the whip that holds my flow
So no foes will know
What motivates me
I show no race see
(see) it's higher
Conspiring on mc's who tire me with wackness
Using metaphors breaking backs if it comes to that
'cause I'm the one who raps
Fillin' gaps in the space
Perhaps there's a space for me in the world of rap
Your girl's on my lap
She's on the dilznick
I kill shit
The negative feels the musical sedative
And I'm ahead of them
[Chorus: "I'm goin' tha extra mile, and I bet you smile cause tha
Texture's wild, yeahh. . .(Repeat X2)"]
I only give a little ittle blurb
If I prefer to confuse
Now were you enthused
Just by the way I play with syllables
And still I do work
Cause I pursue jerks
'til they know I'm berserk
Quick with my quirk like Dirk the Daring
You can spare me the tears I ain't caring
Just preparing for Armageddon
Ya head in
A guillotine
Is sure to thrill a mean
Motivation ?_____? placed in a casket
You'll get ya ass kicked being placid
Ask if I rips suddenly
I say what in the hell is you speaking
Neva change my strange
Way that I come about shit
But you doubt it
Wanna dis the D-E then you see me and you shout if
I would come to you and screw you
You new crew
And you got the bitch with the mad voodoo
Over niggas
Because you know the vigor
That I use to abuse hoes
And foes
So get a
Whiff of the splif that I'm puffin'
Ya wanna step to me in the club
But I dubs
Nothing (yeah)

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