Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext Catch a bad one Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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Catch a bad one

People havin memory loss, they don't remember I'm the boss
You're claustraphobic, when I close in
In on your men and your faculty, you wack'll be
Out my face, you must be basin if you think
That you could tackle the triumphant, I pump it, the volume
Increase as you mieces get sliced to pieces
Please listen to my album
Even if you're white like talcum and unpaid get'cha stayin
Tuned with my tune and I presume and see doom, designated
Yo anyone who stated
A word against me, I serve an MC, simply
Put like my foot up your anus, ya Shamus
Tryin to get over, I'ma go for mine
You know the time now that I'm older I'm gonna
Rip niggaz heads with the said salutations
Introducing Del and his bid for boostin tails
Of my adventures, attempt to try
And you will limp or die, whichever I choose, you lose
Crews get ashamed cause we blame 'em for bitin
You might win, if you start writin, and stop fightin
No time for games
I'll rearrange my vocals in your headphones
I hold 'til I get a answer
Acknowledge and abolish all the wack records
Hieroglyphics, you know, repected
[Chorus: repeat 2X]
Who caught the harm? You bought the farm
If you're a friend, there's no need for alarm
I get juiced when I let loose a little of my cleverness
Up under my follicles with no mousse
Choose your weapon, you kept steppin
You're swept in a hurricane, Del'll blow your brain
So your next generations of youth will be facin the truth
And the truth is I'll leave you with the loose tooth
Gums get split if you bit
I'll extract the truth out your ass like I'm standin in the pulpit
Or a lie dectector wrecked ya sector, when you're standing
I can swing, branding, expanding, on what I'm handing
To the people, cause we will, and you can't say
A damn thing about it, if you doubt it
You're already outta line, so let me remind your behind
About the switch which I used to bruise your bottom
That little nigga tried to cut, I caught him
He didn't think that I would see that
So be that, and be off the D cause we rap
We sap the strength and lap the length around the whole course of time
And still got the time to unwind
Weak MC's make me earl
Earl as your world is crushed because I gotta make you hush
You gotta be eliminated, the way I demonstrate it
You hate it, but still I am the greatest
Like a boxer, I'ma knock your socks off
Nowhere to run to, exits are blocked off
Steadily I'm dissin men, I hope you're listenin
Brothers like my flow
Others ride my jock like a bicycle, but I'm psycho
Fools try to play me like Tyco, gotsta pull the rifle
Daisy, graze the ass with the bee-bee
It comes speedy, sign the peace treaty
Or you'll be needin
Medical attention when I leave you bleedin
Throw a monkey wrench in your program
Crammed up your ass and it's just too bad, son
Catch a bad one
[Chorus] - 1X
[Final Chorus]
Who caught the harm? You bought the farm
If you're a friend, there's no need for alarm
Who caught the harm? You bought the farm
If you're a foe I'm gonna break your fuckin arm!
KnowhatI'msayin? Peace

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