Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Turnt Waka Flocka Flame


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Der musikalische text TURNT von WAKA FLOCKA FLAME ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Salute me or shoot me vol. 4 (2012)

Salute me or shoot me vol. 4



Featuring Roscoe Dash & Wale

This motherfucker turnt x8
Throwin' racks, clap that ass x3
This motherfucker turnt
This motherfucker turnt
Throwin' racks, clap that ass x3
This motherfucker ,motherfucker,motherfucker turnt

You talking money I got that
His new bitch my old hoe
They sending boxes don't buy clothes
Got a diamond grill can't do go
When I pop shit it's a drum roll
Extendo niggas case closed
Assist the bullet like rando
Seize the 4000 for the rollie hello
Bad bitch for every state to go
Bend down a nigga at the corner store
That cold cullin he one of those
Everywhere I go crowd follow me
Turnt up young black nigga
Flex doe' with a strap nigga
Go stud got a big lean
And my chain cost bout 40
And them bad bitches can't do nothin'
Need 8 of those, Roscoe
My rollies, smoking barmaley
Bad bitches they notice me,
Front row no note blip
Paparazzi gon' follow me
And where I go supposed to be

This motherfucker turnt x8
Throwin' racks, clap that ass x3
This motherfucker turnt
This motherfucker turnt
Throwin' racks, clap that ass x3
This motherfucker ,motherfucker,motherfucker turnt

DO8 with BO8 , BSM here's so we ok
Don't be on BS might be off tracks
Then I DIP like I be on skates
Just be on chisha don't be on dates
Throw out racks like I throw out change
Blow our backs you might know our dames
They don't know y'all tracks they just know y'all lame
Work, let me do my thing
Couldn't tie my shoe couldn't do my strings
Nigga please you cold, blew out flame
And cool in booth blew our thang
Drizz out fuck a doe
Long get the badge on scrat the boe
Blew on so much my lungs are due
I know how could they rap like I'm number 2
Boo warrup brick squad
That was so word but I gets off
Sick boss bought big cars
Bought a whole bump
Nigga pimp hard
Don't pitch stroe it's like lambo though
Tight riss glow when it gets done
Catch your lady off while your lady flock
And I cut hoe like a tip jar

This motherfucker turnt x8
Throwin' racks, clap that ass x3
This motherfucker turnt
This motherfucker turnt
Throwin' racks, clap that ass x3
This motherfucker ,motherfucker,motherfucker turnt

I just went and got me a new car
Going low with my new house
Going low with my new chick
That I just hit 'em my new couch
Then flock calls like yo dawg
It's about time we put the part 2 out
I ain't even spend that ol' money
I was actually thinking about cooling out
I went straight thousand marcesia
You would think I'm BOB
I got Bombay and lemonade
I'm my VIP like I'm TIL
Fan hoes are fast gopping
This cast lock can I see ID
She saw me her nipple turnt
It appeared at all her TIT
Will that work for me? Well certainly
I make it rain she work for me
I made your pay she worship me
She say my name then she cursing me
I get no hands in this slow jam
It's like 4 benz in that fellow pic
She gotta be fucking with a real nigga
She know every time I come around she's here with me

This motherfucker turnt x8
Throwin' racks, clap that ass x3
This motherfucker turnt
This motherfucker turnt
Throwin' racks, clap that ass x3
This motherfucker,motherfucker,motherfucker turnt

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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