Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext I got em Waka Flocka Flame


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Der musikalische text I GOT EM von WAKA FLOCKA FLAME ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Salute me or shoot me vol. 4 (2012)

Salute me or shoot me vol. 4


I got em

(Featuring Trae Da Truth)

[Hook: Waka Flocka]
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel

[Hook: Trae Tha Truth]
If it’s drama I got it I got it I got it
I he want it I got it I got it I got it
Tell that nigga I got it I got it I got it
If he trippin’ I got it I got it I got it

[Verse 1: Waka Flocka]
I ball, shot fire, Klaiko been down
Hundred rounds, stand down
This the G south, we don’t play around
I come around they don’t say shit
Mormon signs of that case speak
This Rolls Royce got a pink slip
It’s 15 on that G shit
It’s 16 on that G shit
17 on that murk shit
My young nigga gonna flip shit
Them 4-5’rs my sidekick
Klaiko’s my capital
Big rims, gold teeth
That country boy attitude
Don’t make us to dodge moves after you
Caught ‘em caught ‘em caught ‘em slippin’ at the red light
Run that chain, run that ice before you lose your life
Car jackings, home invasions and some more cells
Loyalty of the royalty in this part I trust

[Hook: Waka Flocka]
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel

[Hook: Trae Tha Truth]
If it’s drama I got it I got it I got it
I he want it I got it I got it I got it
Tell that nigga I got it I got it I got it
If he trippin’ I got it I got it I got it

[Verse 2: Trae Tha Truth]
I pull up holding this choppa, bitch
If you at your place, you better get back in it
Cuz the way I’m feelin’ I might drop your bitch
If you wanna be pussy I’m gonna jump up it
In the black Phantom tinted and I fuck ‘em
If a nigga run up on me better hang on duck ‘em
Better have a bunch of niggas with a hell of a jaw
I’mma beat ‘em the fuck up then bitch I’m bustin’
Gotta FM loaded up inside these jacket
The round 10 clips, only way I pack it
If I let them hoes fly you better be actin’
Get throw’d motherfucker I ain’t shootin’ for practice
They got drug money by the book or the mattress
If their heads wanted beef I’mma sell out my package
I’m the king of the streets, in the hood I’m a saint
I’mma send another nigga, fuck a nigga with them
I’m just lookin’ for the right, I’m that nigga
You ‘bout that life, how the fuck you figured?
Yea bitch who strapped up? My shit bigger
This message directed let no Twitter
I’ve never seen shots like a bitch who domin’
All black on a motherfucker and I roll it
Shout out to them navy seals with the shit I’m on
It all too work out, yea bitch I’m tonin’

[Hook: Waka Flocka]
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel

[Hook: Trae Tha Truth]
If it’s drama I got it I got it I got it
I he want it I got it I got it I got it
Tell that nigga I got it I got it I got it
If he trippin’ I got it I got it I got it

[Verse : Waka Flocka]
I said I swear to God I can't wait
Till the day this nigga slip hash
Shot em off the reel make em feel the whole clip
Walking with a sliced limb 'cause them helm is on deck
They don't kill you for no check they gon' do it for respect
Growing up on the wrong set better get your ass quick
Headshot off the motherfucking reel
I got boys vice low GD's and cribs
My belly and my girl came in a big slim
What you know by that, Flocka Waka Flocka
Skiv you raw gang bang play ball
So crack my back ain't gotta be against the wall
Dip the shoe back this hundred's clip
You can feel on the head

[Hook: Waka Flocka]
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel
Headshot a fuck nigga off the reel

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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