Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext J well Waka Flocka Flame


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Der musikalische text J WELL von WAKA FLOCKA FLAME ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Salute me or shoot me vol. 4 (2012)

Salute me or shoot me vol. 4


J well

I said I’m balling like I’m J Well
I said I’m balling like I’m J Well, bitch
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
I’ma get money nigga, it ain’t hard to tell
I said I’m balling like I’m J Well, bitch
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
I’ma get money nigga, it ain’t hard to tell

I’m from riven, riven, rivendale
This the land of the lost, welcome to hell
Middle finger cost fuck jail,
I’m shooting back nigga, it ain’t hard to tell
What, what the fuck you tryina sell, younging?
I got weed, I got mollies and them nigga gunning
Disrespect the squad, you know them youngings coming
20 grand flat and they don’t check in
No, no, disrespecting, finger fuck nino once I have erections
President of clay county nigga, death till my coming
Holding all elections

I said I’m balling like I’m J Well
I said I’m balling like I’m J Well, bitch
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
I’ma get money nigga, it ain’t hard to tell
I said I’m balling like I’m J Well, bitch
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
I’ma get money nigga, it ain’t hard to tell

Waka flocka in this motherfucker, fuck your little sister and your baby mother
I’ma get money young nigga
Factory’s on the phantom ghost, no rims nigga
Diamonds in my mouth, no goolds nigga
Under pressure I won’t fold nigga
Ok, that’s what they want
Bust a couple bottles, roll a couple of blunts
Ok, that’s what they want
Hit the club in the parking lot I lit the stunt
I’m balling like I’m J Well but that’s on 4 bricks
Serve a dummy down

I said I’m balling like I’m J Well
I said I’m balling like I’m J Well, bitch
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
I’ma get money nigga, it ain’t hard to tell
I said I’m balling like I’m J Well, bitch
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
I’ma get money nigga, it ain’t hard to tell

He said he looking for the just milf
Call my nigga diego, tell him bring 10 hoes
My boys they go crazy, no ballsaw
Just park the fucking molly by the blastout
3 shows for 1 do’s that’s a slamdunk
Hit the club make you threat boys fist pump
Snapbacks and ray benz, courtesy to slim dunk
All I know is keep it real, my money running wild

I said I’m balling like I’m J Well
I said I’m balling like I’m J Well, bitch
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
I’ma get money nigga, it ain’t hard to tell
I said I’m balling like I’m J Well, bitch
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
Bitch I’m balling like I’m J Well
I’ma get money nigga, it ain’t hard to tell

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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