Timbaland & Magoo

Songtext Throwback Timbaland & Magoo


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Yeah, yeah [echo]
[female voice - moaning]
Yeah [echo]

[Verse 1 - Timbaland]
Now here I go, Timbaland will never bring the same old flow
When the game was mold
I'ma hold my own, look at these women they wanna sing my song
While they sing my song
And they say my name, look at they ready to go and play my games
I'ma pick the one and say it ain't no thing
I'ma get the one that wanna drop that thing
Can you top that thing?
I'ma ride or die, ride through the corners like who am I
Shorty I'm the one with the pump on five [gunshot]
This is America, can you jump that high?
Girl show it to me ...

[Chorus - Timbaland + (Female voice)]
I see you backside, pokin through your coat
Come here girl let me take your coat
Now I want you drop it to the floor
And she say
(I'm jiggling baby)
Go head baby
(I'm jiggling baby)
Go head baby, OH, let me see that throwback baby
OH, let me see that throwback baby
(I'm jiggling baby)
Go head baby
(I'm jiggling baby)
Go head baby, OH, let me see that throwback baby
OH, let me see that throwback baby

[Verse 2 - Timbaland]
Now shorty take your time
I'ma sip Hennessey while you taste that wine
'Til we both feel fine
Well I, I think I really wanna stay for a while
Bring some of your friends and we can play for a while
Like hide and go get, and when I get you deny
Make you turn around and put them hips in the sky
Fucklin the ways I wanna hit 'til I'm tired
And you could stick around, we can dip for the night
Timbaland, just a man on the go
When we gonna meet again, I just don't know
But I'ma have to stay for the show
I think I wanna see you take the stage once mo'
While I say (say ...)


[Verse 3 - Magoo]
I knew I cut real hard, this the fifteenth song
And your man pagin you, he know you doin somethin wrong
Girl take a X pill, drink a little yak
Eat two power bars, I'ma hit it from the back
My dick is like a Tech 9, you gon' respect mine
I need some top piece, blow me 'til that head shine
Oo never cums, that's why she must fuck me
I hit it 49 states, next Kentucky
So take off your coat, take off your throwback
I ordered some ooze and ate of your toe back
Make your ass clap, make your pussy snap
So deep, so wet, my dick's swimmin laps
Make your ass clap, make your pussy snap
So deep, so wet, my dick's swimmin laps
Perhaps we can menage to jazz
I like blonde hair chicks, like candy ass


[scratching mixed in with beat until fade]

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Timbaland & Magoo are a rap-duo consisting of producer/rapper Timbaland and rapper Magoo.

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