Timbaland & Magoo

Songtext Can we do it again Timbaland & Magoo


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Can we do it again

[Intro - Timbaland - talking]
This goes out
For all the people
That think I couldn't make it again
See what I'm sayin
We're back at y'all
Third time, (heh heh)

[Verse 1 - Timbaland]
I'm killin 'em with this music I'm innovatin
Penetratin your speakers, let me give you a demonstration (hu-huh)
You think that we ain't hear the statement you hatin
I hit the strip in the Bentley, feel me?, you walkin and waitin sayin
Me and Maganoo hittin 'em hard
Got them feelin the nod, just because we pull niggaz cards
Quick as (hu-huh) I got a fool intoxicatin this hard liquor
Gimme the mic, I'll spit a killer verse that'll start with a (hu-huh)
I got ya bobbin your neck to this beat, don't it (hu-huh)
This right here make ya wreckin your Jeep, won't it (hu-huh)
People wonder when will we come with the same magic
That make the game disappear then enter, like I ain't had it (hu-huh)
I actin gorilla with it, my game savage
You should push your album release back cause that thing's crappy (hu-huh)
The game ain't been the same since my name happened
Timbaland and Magoo and Beat Club, who ain't snappin

Can you do it again?
We gon' do it again
I said, can we do it again?
We gon' do it again
Can we do it again?
We gon' do it again
I said, can we do it again?

Can we do it again?
We gon' do it again
I said, can we do it again?
We gon' do it again
Can we do it again?
We gon' do it again
I said, can we do it again?
(OW!) (hu-huh)

[Verse 2 - Timbaland]
Still spittin and killin 'em softly
I hear what you sayin, but overall you lost me (hu-huh)
Even though my neck and wrist all glossy
And my truck big as an armored tank, I ain't all flossy (hu-huh)
You could copy or hate on my style
Steppin it up, you been copyin or hate for a while (hu-huh)
I hit the leather, get the meters to peakin
I lay my vocals and let Jimmy D, tweak 'em and freak 'em, some like (hu-huh)
You don't think we can do it again, do ya? (hu-huh)
Did it before and we can do it again to ya (hu-huh)
You better love me, she be backin it up on me
I'm only about gettin money and stackin it up homie (hu-huh)
I'm gettin serious, go 'head I don't wanna play
And when I finished with this one, I bet you gon' wanna say (hu-huh)
The game ain't been the same since my name happened
Timbaland and Magoo and Beat Club, who ain't snappin


[Verse 3 - Magoo]
Ew we, my pimpin is pimpalicious
I'm more than a rapper, eat my words I'm so nutritious (hu-huh)
Them other rappers come with that heat talk
I talk about us baby in them sheets for sweet talk (hu-huh)
But if ya feelin froggy and he leap
I fill 'em up with bullets, then the grum reaper gon' reap (hu-huh)
You think I'm puttin cover that bird shit
I have you barely breathin out your mouth on a curb bitch (hu-huh)
And if you keep talkin, then I'ma do it (hu-huh)
He fuckin playin Tim, I'ma fuckin do it (hu-huh)
I'm from the Lock West, a lot of them guns
I ain't a killer but you fuckers makin Oo into one, son (hu-huh)
So give me mine and you can take yours
It was Missy, Tim, and The Nepts who startin openin doors, whore (hu-huh)
The game ain't been the same since Tim name happen
Timbaland and Magoo and Beat Club, who ain't snappin



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Timbaland & Magoo are a rap-duo consisting of producer/rapper Timbaland and rapper Magoo.

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