Timbaland & Magoo

Songtext That shit ain't gonna work Timbaland & Magoo


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That shit ain't gonna work

[Old guy]
Didn't I tell you fo' I left here, don't fool no guitar
And the shit be just tearin me up

Ah, oh
Come on, oh
You bout to witness here, a little chip on my shoulder
Tim & Maganoo

Everyone know I'm a beast when it comes to these beats you can copy me but
Nigga (That shit ain't gone work)
You can sample my drum kicks & my snare, make yo beat & it compares
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
You can borrow my MP even hire Jimmy D to engineer for you
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
You can get to CD to Bill if you get any kinda deal still
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
I been makin that fire before some of you was alive check the archive
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
Forget it if I did a beat & let it come out wit yo name on the credits
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
I'm proper nobody can stop a nigga pull yo gun & pop a nigga I promise
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
If you get a famous feature on yo song ain't nobody gone sing-a-long
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)

Before y'all suckaz count me out, Before y'all suckaz count
Nigga I'm a problem, And still can't be figured out
Before you come out yo mouth, Before you come out yo mouth
Nigga I'm a problem

Now let me shoot you some game, Don't be tryna use my name to get you some fame
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
Get you two or three platinum chains, Big body Benz on thangs ain't gone be the same
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
I'm tired of folks takin me for a joke, I'm bout to get my duct tape & my rope
Don't be surprised if somebody get choked
I'm a problem I told you before, I just couldn't hold it no more now you know
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
Keep on playin them games, we gone start sprayin them thangs
We ain't comin to complain somebody gone get hurt
I shouldn't have to say it again, But I will case you couldn't comprehend
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
I hate to repeat myself, you look like you need a lil' help but even when you get it
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
You can holla & kick up dirt, Get crunk & pull off yo shirt, you don't scare me
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)


You can pay a hooker money put a gun to her head for the pussy but
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
You can take a time machine to my past kill my mom before my birth
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
If you know I'm finna kill ya get the F-B-I for protection
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
Get a face job, that'll make you look like me but you can't write like me
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
Get an application for a job, payin you to breathe, you best believe
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
Get a white wife, join a country club, let Fuzzy call you nigga, nigga
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
Good face get Mase to baptize you, I don't sympathize with you
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)
Put a gun to my head, Pull the trigger, my last words is Fuck You Nigga
(nigga, that shit ain't gone work)


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Timbaland & Magoo are a rap-duo consisting of producer/rapper Timbaland and rapper Magoo.

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