Angel Haze

Songtext The wolves Angel Haze


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Der musikalische text THE WOLVES von ANGEL HAZE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Back to the woods (2015)

Back to the woods


The wolves

Hello, nigga this is what you get
When you mix a little "evil genius" with "the shit"
Nigga, I am leader of the Pac and that's it
Every time I howl, wolves come, and you get bit
You could get hit by the heater on the low
You could get clipped like a speaker bout to blow
Nigga, I got bullets fire leaking out the flow
Is them niggas serious? I dont even really know man

I stay heavily sedated, niggas testing my patience
Get me higher, get me higher! Nigga, heaven is waiting
Is it funny how Im fire, I could swallow the sun
Walk around like the messiah, like Im sired to satan
Nigga, I dont wanna hear about the click you claim
Oh you mad when they hitting on the shit you aimed
Man, if yo shit lit, my shit inflamed
Yo, you talkin' all that shit, but ain't shit you saying
Oh lordy lordy, these bitches, they bore me
Old lady river, zz-
Oh I'm snoring
Open the top and pull off in the foreign
When it raeens, man ain't nothing can keep me from pouring
Oh no no no, I can't come back down there
Nothing out there left for me dawg
Me and the crew on the quest for this cheese dawg
I left my fucking heart out at the sea dawg

Yo, this shit sounds like the danger zone
Im the big bad wolf, Ima take the throne
(right here, oh yeah, right here, oh yeah)
With the whole fuckin team and we all gon howl
Where we from, we just do it, we dont talk about it
(right here, oh yeah, right here, oh yeah)

Aye this is the part where the wolves howl
This is the part where the wolves howl
Aye this is the part where the Pac comes
Yeah, this is the part where the bad comes
For youuu

Yo, you kill me stop kidding, you gotta be feeling me niggas
Look at these bitches, they'd die to get rid of me niggas
Fuck it, it's me and the squad til infinity niggas
Might catch a body, let somebody put steel in these niggas

Man, bitches really wanna be me
Bitches gotta feel me cause they really can't see me
Hella fuckin' puzzled when they say that they can beat me
Had to school bitches like I'm motherfuckin' Feeny
Man, I tried to tell em but they saying "pipe down"
When you could get popped by a cop right now
All cause the color of your skin Mike Brown
Had me looking at the fucking world like "howwww?"
In the trees with them bitches, I was way up!
Got tired of motherfuckers tryna play us
If I ever catch a bitch tryna pass on me
Ima shoot that motherfucker like a lay up
Killin the game, playing clue with it
We hide your body like who did it
Rollin with niggas who roll with the clips
And we roll with each other like "who wit me?"

Yo, you kill me stop kidding, you gotta be feeling me niggas
Look at these bitches, they'd die to get rid of me niggas
Fuck it, it's me and the squad til infinity niggas
Might catch a body, let somebody put steel in these niggas x2

Say you'll, say you'll be with me tomorrow
When the sun goes down, the moon will come
Will those same wolves howl? x3

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