Angel Haze

Songtext Detox Angel Haze


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Der musikalische text DETOX von ANGEL HAZE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Back to the woods (2015)

Back to the woods



Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, it's the call of the wild

Unlock my head, you can get back in it
Your flower crown shouldn't have cracks in it
You dance in a cage with some rats in it
I'm 'bout the chemistry, you just react to me
But you never made me feel different, no
You said this love was the same
Yeah, and I know that sex is medicinal
But I just want inside your pain
Wait, slow down baby, take a shot of the Vodka
The whole fuckin' room spinning like the top of a choppa
We were notorious for being real big poppas, man
Don't let me go, cause I will get lost again
Damn, I ain't seen you in a minute
Cause I ain't want no eyes, no, I ain't need a witness
That felt like the coldest of the coldest of the winters
Had me rolling tree 'til I fuckin' got a splinter

I don't play fair
Some love I stole
I'm never there
I just play roles
But babe when I'm with you
I feel my soul
Oh damn, when I'm with you
I feel strong
Yeah, yeah

But how are they expecting me to detox?
When I still can see you dancing in your knee socks
You all dipped in gold
Higher than the tree tops
I'm addicted, got me worshiping my knees off
I'm up way too high, in your sky tonight
Fuck way too hard like we sodomites
God just might turn us to ash, baby
I just might taste your last star tonight
But right now all that I need baby
Answer the call of the trees baby
Still hear you moan in the sunrise
Take all the time that you need, baby

Ooh you just my thing, you're just my type
All my other flames don't burn as bright
I could play this game for all my life
My life, my life, yeah, yeah

I was just a cocky little devil with the kiss of an angel
I said if ever you ain't like it I would switch up my angles
I just got so fuckin' used to all the ways that I tamed you
Wanted everything or nothing, and I can't really blame you
They don't know nothing about us though, nothing about us
We were Gods in a world that ain't do nothing but doubt us
But, fuck it, I got us, you make me feel like I shot up
From the dirt with the flowers, put in work in the shower
Now you hurt, but empowered, now you worth it, you trust it
But does your work make you cum 'til you fuck it, man fuck it
They ain't get it, they ain't see us like their vision was squinted
And I ain't really got the time to be painting the image
But you know what the fuss is all about
You the only person who was walking in and out
You the only one that I'm fuckin' here without
The only one I ever really gave a fuck about

But how are they expecting me to detox?
When I still can see you dancing in your knee socks
You all dipped in gold
Higher than the tree tops
I'm addicted, got me worshiping my knees off
I'm up way too high, in your sky tonight
Fuck way too hard like we sodomites
God just might turn us to ash, baby
I just might taste your last star tonight
But right now all that I need baby
Answer the call of the trees baby
Still hear you moan in the sunrise
Take all the time that you need, baby

Ooh you're just my thing, you're just my type
All my other flames don't burn as bright
I could play this game for all my life
My life, my life, yeah, yeah

Dance for me again
Dance for me again
You're my sweetest pleasure
I'm your biggest sin
Dance for me again
Dance for me again
You're my sweetest pleasure
I'm your biggest sin

I know love sometimes gets lost
Laid it all out on the cross
No, we're not stuck where we are
We'll be together again...
We'll be together...
Cause I know you feel like I do
Brains at bay, hearts at moon
Oh, I know you feel like I do
Know you do...
(....and a nation with no values other than their own values, are rubbish)

Just save your love, dont have it running wild now
I'm selfish still, my heart is like a child's now
I know you feel like I do
I know you feel
Yeah, yeah

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